dev / chess / veg / botanist

Wintermute is a distinct entity from the physical mainframe; its mind is only a part of another "potential entity", an aspect of its brain.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 19, 2021


At the moment it is sorted by subscribers, but adding sorting is definitely on the to-do list.
Link to source code added.

Lemmy Community-Browser
cross-posted from: > The community browser offers the possibility to search centrally for Lemmy communities. > > ::: spoiler spoiler > There are still a few features planned... > ::: [source-code](

Valetudo - Free your vacuum from the cloud
Crossgeposted von: > Valetudo is the de-facto-standard open-source software solution for cloud-free vacuum robots empowering thousands of users. > Since it was started in 2018, it has matured to a reliable fire-and-forget solution that just works.

📢 Lemmymap - 30k Lemmies!
Crossgeposted from: Today, for the first time, more than 30,000 Lemmies were recorded by the crawler in the Lemmy network!\ To celebrate, there is a small Lemmymap update with additional filter options :)

Lemmymap - Update!
Crossposted from: general - Display of instance age - Display number of linked (lemmy-) instances - Minor optimizations - (New) Lemmymap stats crawler instance info - Display post/comment/communities count - Status icons (for green hosting, server location, registration form, downvoting, ...)

Lemmymap Update!
crossposted from: The lemmymap got a small update. Based on data from the GreenFediverse instance list, it is now possible to display which lemmy instances are powered by renewable energy. > [What is the GreenFediverse?](

My main issue with the cookie consent popups is that

That will (hopefully) be solved by the upcoming EU ePrivacy regulation.
The German TTDSG gives a foretaste of what is to come - and goes far beyond the GDPR

Is there a way to see a list of all of the registered users on an instance?

afaik no (not yet?), you could look them up in the database

Are all Lemmy instances openly federated unless they are on the block list?

if your instance uses open federation, yes. it then basically federates with all other “open” instances and those who have yours on their allow-list (and which are not on your block-list).

if your instance uses an allow-list, only allowed instances could federate, no need for blocking here.

indeed, the title is missleading.
it’s illegal to embed fonts without a porper consent.

And because blocking fonts means to “break” websites, you’ll consent.

that would be another clear violation, of Recital 42 5 EU GDPR:

“Consent should not be regarded as freely given if the data subject has no genuine or free choice or is unable to refuse or withdraw consent without detriment.”

should I temporarily set federation: { enabled: false } while importing

sounds reasonable

I dropped Atom because of performance issues in med to large scale projects.

thats a bit odd, because according to the mod-log dessalines removed posts commenting “No anti-vaxx”

your quote is not just from “elsewhere”,
but from the post “Lemmy admins; feel free to block this community” in */c/CovidHoax* which is apparently what they did.

Leftism is aids, change my mind

did you come to change your mind?

I hope all leftists get the vaccine, slowly die from it and have kids with autism from taking the shot.

seems not.

you are running an outdated BE: 0.11.3

I always try to convince clients I work for to donate a fixed amount, like 5% project budget, to underlying open source projects.
responses are quite sobering, there is this open source is just for free mentality all around.

I’m using the DNS-Servers of digitalcourage, in the end the question is who do you trust most i guess…

Seems to be working again?
It’s always helpful to verify the problem against a third instance.