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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2021


I trust Bitwarden. And even if they use Google analytics does not make them untrustworthy. It would be something that needs to be improved.

Can you provide more details? We cannot debate if there are no detailed claims.

You mean cheap right? Because otherwise you can send them including books to a service that scans them pretty for you.

Doing it yourself is either a printer/scanner for loose sheets or a Scanner app for books or everything really. I use TinyScanner app to avoid uploading the files to the cloud. But if that’s not an issue then any will do. Camscanner is really good. On the internet there’s a website that teaches you how to build a book stand specifically for scanning with cameras. But it’s expensive and do it yourself. Lastly I find orcmypdf the very best for ocr documents.

is the term preferred by corporations to refer to the system in general.

and by the rest of the world.

It’s useful to them as a way to…

Who is them? Canonical refer to its own product as Ubuntu. By the name of the distro and is the same with every company that produces a distro.

a component that is not a project done for the sake of freedom

The Linux Kernel and/or the many distros out there does not represents freedom? Really? If anything the Linux kernel is the poster boy for FLOSS.

as you would be prompt to point out, not all systems using the Linux kernel use GNU software.

No I wasn’t, I wasn’t even thinking about it. Maybe when it became more relevant to our conversation.

I see that we agree on some things and I understand the worry about corporations spins on things for their benefits. But I don’t see anything but a unsupported opinion about it, an anti-corporations bias making you believe GNU needs its due recognition and at this point, trying to force the notion Linux should be called GNU/Linux. Except that’s not how language evolves. Linux as an OS is not slang, because it means:

Slang is vocabulary of an informal register, common in spoken conversation but avoided in formal writing.

As Linux IS written in formal writing and is not informal in any way except by the GNU/Linux advocates.

Those arguments didn’t hold the first time, why do you think copy n paste will argue it better a second time? Those arguments are full of unsupported opinions. It states Linux is a corporate term but that’s a half truth. Linux is a term use by both corporations and the community.

Also by calling it Linux you refer to all system running the Linux kernel. Is that what we are about?

No. Depending on the context it may refer to the kernel or to the Linux distros. The same way we may be talking about America the continents or America as the country. Anyone that insist Linux is just the Kernel will be right in your argument but ultimately will be wrong because the premise is wrong.

How? … Just How could you see the word Linux and think of corporate? Linux more often than anything is related to community, forums, open standards, chat forums like telegram/discord/element. Heck, even Lemmy is full of tech posts,Linux included in many of them. And NEVER have I see on the internet someone referring to Linux as “GNU for short around people that know about it.” that more than ridiculous. Even the pedantic elitist that insist on the name GNU/Linux or GNU+Linux don’t go that far.

a Lemmy instance just to claim Linux should be called GNU/Linux 🤡

The same way words can have different meanings like

arm I have an ant bite on my arm. It’s important to arm yourself with a solid education.

Linux is both a Kernel and a Operating System offered in many variations called Distrubutions or “distros” for short.

Some people like to also called it:


but that’s too long so people just call it Linux.

Use a Task app along with the Calendar app to counter being too busy or counter forgetfulness.

Yes. I’m happy I got more energy than las week. Maybe I am sleeping better.

I understand the purpose of making relevant the GNU part but insisting on it is not how language works. A better example is more like when people just say ‘America’ referring to the country instead of insisting in saying ‘United States of America’ every 👏 time 👏 on 👏 every 👏 single 👏 conversation because of “its significance”.

""why stop at GNU? Why not also recognize BSD, XINU, PBM, OpenSSL, Samba and countless other FLOSS projects that need to be included to form a workable distro?

“The bottom line is that ‘Linux’ is what the vast majority of people call it. So that’s what it should be called, because that’s how language works.”"


I don’t see anything wrong with the GUI. In fact, I like it.

One way to limit it is to use something like Blokada or NetGuard apps that blocks Ads and trackers.