it is correct to refer to GNU/Linux as GNU/Linux
You’ve probably seen the “I’d like to interject for a moment” quotation that is frequently attributed to Richard Stallman about how Linux should be referred to as GNU/Linux.…
Joe Bidet

I think calling it “linux” instead of “GNU/linux” amounts to saying “we have a problem with emissions of CO2” instead of saying “we have a problem with upcoming environmental collapse”… it’s completely missing the point of something wider, more complex, etc.

By calling it “GNU/linux” you refer to an OS that is based on the principles, the ethics, the philosophy, the politics of Free/libre software. you mention software that exists to share nowledge and empower people.

By calling it “linux”, you refer to an obscure object, the kernel, that was mostly developped “because its fun”, in which companies like IBM etc… contribute. a cool toy for tech nerds. nothing really important, revolutionary or subversive…

I understand the purpose of making relevant the GNU part but insisting on it is not how language works. A better example is more like when people just say ‘America’ referring to the country instead of insisting in saying ‘United States of America’ every 👏 time 👏 on 👏 every 👏 single 👏 conversation because of “its significance”.

Joe Bidet

yes, and for the same reason, when someone says “America” i always ask them: “do you mean South America, Central or North-America?” and they usually go “oh sorry yeah i meant the United States”.

Because langage matters and also brings about colonial notions…

“linux” like “open source” is our freedoms being colonized by the business/“pragmatic” crowd…

""why stop at GNU? Why not also recognize BSD, XINU, PBM, OpenSSL, Samba and countless other FLOSS projects that need to be included to form a workable distro?

“The bottom line is that ‘Linux’ is what the vast majority of people call it. So that’s what it should be called, because that’s how language works.”"

This argument makes sense for natural language (where one can argue that a word “is a real word” or that a word means something simply because it is commonly used in that manner), not so much for proper nouns in my opinion. Linux is a specific thing, created by a specific person (who named it after himself), developed by a specific team for specific purposes. Whether or not people mistakenly believe other unrelated things are also Linux doesn’t change the truth of what Linux actually is.

If “the vast majority of people” mistakenly believed the Earth was flat or that the sun revolved around it, that does not suddenly make it so. “The vast majority of people” being ignorant should be taken as an opportunity to address that ignorance, not perpetuate it.

If the vast majority of people believed the earth is called gazorp that would absolutely suddenly make it so.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).

Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word “Linux” in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.


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