• 5 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Aug 18, 2020


I had to restore an old backup because in no way had the problem resolved itself.

If you’re interested on GitHub they suggested this to me: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/2653#issuecomment-1380541659 unfortunately the suggestion came after I restored the backup and I couldn’t try it.

If you’ll try it let me know if it works or not!

Hello, I have the exact same problem as you, and it also happened to me at the time when my instance was running out of free space.

Did you by any chance solve it somehow?

Upgrade error
Hello, I am trying to update from 0.16.3 to 0.16.5 with Ansible. It is on my test instance, i use this: ` git pull ` and ` ansible-playbook -vvv -u MYUSERNAME -k -K -i inventory/hosts lemmy.yml --become ` It does everything with no error but when I try to visit the website i receive: `404: FetchError: request to http://lemmy:8536/api/v3/site? failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN lemmy` Could the problem be that I am using the backend (on different folders) multiple instances of lemmy?

Create community and moderate on another instance
Does anyone know if it is possible to create a new community on another lemmy instance using my lemmy.ml account or do I have to necessarily create a new user on the new instance? And if the community is already created, is it possible to add moderators from other instances or do community moderators have to be registered to that instance?

Sending email problem
Hello! I managed to set up an instance quite easily with Ansible, only problem now is that I can't send emails in any way! If I leave the default configuration (postfix: 25) and try to ask for a password reset, it tells me it sent it but nothing really comes. I then thought of using an external SMTP, since I have it available together with the domain. If I put: "smtps.aruba.it" then adding smtp_login and smtp_password when I try to send an email I get an error with only written: "465". If I add the port to the SMTP server like this: "smtps.aruba.it:465" and also adding in "tls_type: tls" the server freezes for 5 minutes, does not send anything and I do not receive any errors. I'm definitely doing something wrong but what? Where can I look? Thanks!

Error on Ansible
Hello, trying to use Ansible https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ansible to install Lemmy on a OVH VPS. - Configured DNS and ping it is ok. - I can reach the server with a sudo user on SSH Installed Ansible on my local machine and follow the steps. When i execute: `$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts lemmy.yml` I have this error (I replaced for this help request real username and real ip address) ``` PLAY [all] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ TASK [check lemmy_base_dir] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* skipping: [myuser@myip] TASK [install python for Ansible] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* fatal: [myuser@myip]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: myuser@myip: Permission denied (publickey,password).", "unreachable": true} PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ myuser@myip : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0 ``` What am i missing?

Be careful because Kiwi in the latest release insert a lot of tracking: https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/it/reports/com.kiwibrowser.browser/latest/

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Hello, how do you manager with notification? I can't: neither from the browser (not even enabling them), nor from the two Android applications (Jerboa and Lemmur). Of course, if I open the app or the browser, I see the notifications icon lit up, but without visiting it I can't find out that someone, for example, has answered me. Are there any other methods that escape me? Thanks!

I understand doubts, especially if there is a lot of work to do I think it is right to ask as many questions as possible.

Personally I think of at least two other reasons for changing the instance:

the first is a possible problem with the moderators / admin. For example in case they did questionable operations.

The second concerns me more personally: I opened a community here because there are no Italian instances. It took me a few months to convince people to sign up here, it would be ironic to tell them “no, now re-sign up somewhere else”.

Since in this thread we talked about how to invite people to subscribe and / or how to create more instances for me this is one of the reasons that pushes me not to try.

In the meantime, thanks for the discussion and listening

People are often lazy, especially if I convinced them to join the “xxx instead of reddit” site to follow me. It would definitely be counterproductive to tell them again “ah no now you have to follow me on yyy, not xxx anymore”.

Obviously it is right to consider the work to be done and the right priorities. Personally I love Lemmy, I would be a little sorry to be somehow linked to this instance “forever”, I think the idea of ​​decentralization and faithful universe is a little less.

just my thoughts :)

Yes, on Mastodon there is an “export” and “import” settings for the followers (not for the post): https://docs.joinmastodon.org/user/moving/ and on the old istance remain just a placeholder that redirect on new profile/instances.

I’m glad the idea is of your interest :)

Also this is one of the most important feature (for me) on the fediverse. If an instance “goes bad” it’s good transfer all on other istance. By the way my question was in this topic because i already have 100followers on my community and this is one of the reason can’t open another istance if i can’t import all the followers.

Question: it is possible to “migrate” a community from an instance to another?