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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 19, 2021


Its not just Latin america, hardcore westerners hate all latins, Portuguese, Spanish and italians included. i dont know where or when this despise against latins in general was born in the west, i think it is just anglo and franco supremacy bullshit (although france also gets ridicularized a lot, and so do british anglos and Australians. Its like an toxic rich kids club with the US at the top, where they bully the poor kids, but from time to time the boss rich kid also makes fun of his own “friends” because they speak funny, or because they are not as rich as him, its an toxic relationship), america broke Europe brain.

Those US new generation of terrorists fucking suck, they are getting their asses handed to them by Russia.

Even if he was an colonialist piece of shit, he still was much better then Churchill and every other piece of shit european leader that bowed their heads to the nazis and americans, he was the last remain of self pride on the leadership of europe. He saw through the lies of the US, and he knew what would happen if Europe just let the yankees do what they wanted. And he was right, europeans have no leadership nor nations now, they are just an american puppet.

We are going to need an mega post eventually to dissect the absolute horrible shitshow that was this shooting.

Didnt kissinger himself say that he disaproved the US position in Ukraine?

Damn eastern EU looking awfully thick rn 😳, to the cooking pot they go!

Nah i did that error on purpose because i thought it would give it an comical effect.

On one side, revoluctionary us would be nice, but chances are stagerring low, on the other side, accelerationism go brrrrrrr

Bruh dont you all hate to get killed and buried alive? Smh evil mean ruskies


Can we ignore the massive cringe that is the sticker and apreciate a little the masterpiece that is the name of the comrade in the post?