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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2021


Both you and the one you are replying to may have a point.

I joined Lemmy before federation worked, which is why I joined the “flagship” instance. In addition, other instances are often more localised, theme-specific or very political (Lemmygrad, Wolfballs). And some instances are poorly guarded outposts via which the troll incursions are coming in. Mind you, the admins there are probably good people but it does do little good to the name of those instances (and they risk defederation). Maybe if Lemmy as a whole grows people might successfully spread, but for now most would stick to the bigger instances with the most topics and the best moderation.

Edit: I interpreted the question as specific to Lemmy, even though the topic is in /c/fediverse.

Reported you. As well as your “dick” pic.

Whoa, both black and “of color”? Do you think we are therefore more likely to believe you are not just messing with us?

I do not think he did, because @lemmy.schuerz.at exist for a while already (afaik). So he created a new /c/ on there.

I have had that as well in the past, probably because your/my report would be a duplicate if others reported before.

Just guessing, but maybe “gaming news” functionally fits well within /c/gaming. So there is little reason for people to join your first /c/. The other I would not be able to write much about 'cause I do not know what that one is about.

I did not see them here yet (although I am only really visiting this instance), but maybe I am not seeing that well. :P