• 15 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Mar 23, 2020


Tl;dr new EU law adds requirement to software distributors (ie. package managers) to verify your age if the app allows users to contact eachother

Snap actually sucks. This isn't even a meme.
Upgraded Ubuntu to 22.04, where Firefox is Snap by default. Wasn't going to fight it, especially since Canonical has made 3 blog posts talking about how much faster they made Firefox on Snap. Since then, I've had subtle but annoying issues. * Can't Google things that have a colon after the first word- i.e. `error: file not found` doesn't work * I get *notifications* for pending updates * Other apps like Gnome's Software take a minute+ to load on my beefy computer This isn't even a meme. Snap is trash. I wanted to be neutral and not join the "hate train" but seriously. Snap is that bad.

Every time this happens, people lose their minds. For the last time, Slack, Discord, Instagram, WhateverApp2222 did not add an Azov sticker or a whatever sticker. This is GIPHY, it is integrated into all these apps, and anyone can upload a sticker

I stay in a sauna overnight here in Asia where I live for 10$… And it’s 75x nicer than this. Y’all paying 50$?

According to the article, the eyes are still working for now, but if something goes wrong they’re screwed.

Very tricky situation. Having the government do things like this is one option (although the government isn’t doing it), but having laws forcing these corporations to be open source is another tentative solution.

Surprisingly informative. And cute.

I’m super looking forward to a Lord of the Rings AI remaster

Saw your post from yesterday as well. Native Lemmy UI could definitely do with some love

More info -

Ukrzaliznytsia, the company of the Ukrainian railway station says:

“This is a deliberate blow to the passenger infrastructure of the railway and the residents of Kramatorsk”

Reuters reports that it could not verify the information. It also adds that “Moscow has denied targeting civilians since invading Ukraine on Feb. 24.”

Pavlo Kyrylenko, the governor of the Donetsk region says:

“The ‘Rashists’ (‘Russian fascists’) knew very well where they were aiming and what they wanted: they wanted to sow panic and fear, they wanted to take as many civilians as possible,”

The futures market paints a similar picture, so people don’t think it’s short term either.

I’m actually quite surprised. It’s fair to assume sanctions would harm businesses, so what’s changing the price of the Ruble?

Edit: It’s the gas (No paywall)

What’s become clear is that despite an incredibly wide-ranging package of sanctions on the Russian government and its oligarchs, and an exodus of foreign businesses, the actions are largely toothless if foreigners keep guzzling Russian oil and natural gas – supporting the ruble by stocking Putin’s coffers. Even as Russia remains mostly cut off otherwise from the global economy, Bloomberg Economics expects the country will earn nearly $321 billion from energy exports this year, up more than a third from 2021.

Across the board, everything Snaps do Flatpak does, and then Snap is also trash for a bunch of reasons

cordless vacuum was a game-changer for me […] always feel like plugging it in makes it an annoying logistics project so I end up blowing it off


The easier it is to start doing a chore or task, the much better it is to do. As another example, my current apartment’s washroom is designed to get completely wet - My toilet basically gets cleaned every shower because of how easy it is to spray it down!

Unless you have stairs you don’t really need a normal one. You can also just handle stairs with a broom and let your little floor buddy clean it up :)

Same! Been on DND since 2017, couldn’t recommend it enough!

Quotes from the Telecommunications regulator:

“In particular, in the article, the special military operation is called ‘Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,’ ‘Russian aggression against Ukraine,’ ‘Russian-Ukrainian war’ and ‘war’,”

“The material contains information about numerous victims among the servicemen of the Russian Federation, as well as the civilian population of Ukraine, including children, which does not correspond to the official data published by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation,”

For me, it was buying a Robot Vacuum.

I always noticed I slept better in a clean environment. I bought an air purifier and it made a small difference, but when I bought a robot vacuum my life changed. Finally, my floors were clean every day and there was no dust build up.

I did extensive research on them, if you opt for it I recommend anything by Roborock. When you consider the price of a good normal vacuum, you quickly see how good of a deal robot cleaners are

/r/Place Admin Abuse and the Orange Cat
https://v.redd.it/komiw3hmv5r81 Not my original words but can't find original source: >A reddit admin was caught abusing her position to set her tile cooldown to zero (note: cooldown is 5 minutes and 20 minutes for email verified and unverified users respectively) in order to erase an [Orange Cat](https://telegramchannels.me/stickers/s-marseycat) that was [previously posted by Reddit on twitter.](https://twitter.com/Reddit/status/1509990348378058755?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1509990348378058755%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Frdrama.net%2Fpost%2F56728%2Freddit-calling-marsey-on-place-a) >This cartoon cat was the creation of Anton Dimitriev, a Ukrainian artist who is currently living in Kharkiv that is besieged by the Russian military as we speak. >His art station: https://www.artstation.com/mine_flood >His deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/anton-d/gallery >In addition, reddit permanently banned everyone who placed a tile in that area or tried to change her tiles to repair the Orange Cat. Merely placing pixels near the cat resulted in a personal ban, resulting in the bannings of users from /r/AnarchyChess as their subreddit logo bordered the Orange Cat. >[People who tried asking about their bans had their posts removed as well](https://i.imgur.com/TR0UQzm_d.webp?maxwidth=9999&fidelity=high) >https://old.reddit.com/r/place/comments/tukjit/why_was_my_account_shadowbanned_after_placing_a/ >Reddit went a step further and manually deleted the accounts so that [whenever you try to visit an account banned for placing a tile - you get this page.](https://i.imgur.com/DRtHWQg_d.webp?maxwidth=9999&fidelity=high) >[Example of an account manually deleted](https://old.reddit.com/user/Quad_RIP_Deux/) - they [last posted yesterday](https://old.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/ttuqtd/100700/) proving it is a real account. As you can see, this was an active and real account that was not only banned, but deleted. >[2nd example](https://old.reddit.com/user/Treecko251/) - [proof](https://old.reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/comments/ttnf5w/iron_will_documentary_by_quins_about_will_evans/?context=3) >Other people caught on, resulting in posts calling it out that reached the front page. Initially the admins tried to do damage control by setting a filter on /r/place to automatically remove any post that mentions the cheating or the Orange Cat that was overwritten. Now they seem to be going back and forth on the issue after the public outcry grew too big to suppress. Impressively bad. Why create a pixel board with limited space if the admins will literally ban people for placing pixels over the area they want?

This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure

Jerbora is way better than it’s original alpha release. It’s still not as good as the web version on mobile but it’s really getting there

resentment is not racism

I left Ruqqus for the stupid racism there, didn’t expect to find it on Lemmy

That aside, I agree with most of what you said. My post was just to call out CriticalResist for running behind text walls after posting patently false info

Lemmy.ml link blocked on LinkedIn for being "general malware"
![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/337ac1fe-b256-4cd2-9fbf-be1a29754852.png) ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/506fe9e4-b326-4460-a146-35e86cc28b1c.png)

MIT and BSD are cuckold licenses
I would say "change my mind" but I won't. I spent 5 years believing \*maybe\* I was missing something about them, but no, these are licenses selected 49.5% of the time for the wrong reason, 49.5% of the time because the original project devs were cucks, and 1% of the time because they're trying to replace a corporate dominant proprietary solution (which is the only valid usecase for these licenses). If you're a FOSS dev, have some self respect and choose a proper license.

Looking for an Open Source program to automatically seed latest project torrents
Hey Lemmy - I was downloading the KDE Neon edition ISOs yesterday night and noticed there weren't many seeders for the nightly edition. It gave me the idea to write a program that automatically grabs the .torrent file for lots of FOSS projects and throws them on my seedbox every night, but before I reinevent the wheel, does something like this exist? Qbittorrent has a Python API so the code isn't complicated, but with a bit of Google-foo I wasn't able to find something like this already, which kind of blows my mind tbh. Does Lemmy know?