Privacy is a human right, thank you Edward Snowden. I dont use any social media other Lemmy and Minds. I post my opinions on subjects wether people agree or not, if you want to disscuss than do so respectfully and ill do the same. Check out my sublemmy 10_0s basement.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 12, 2021

Are there any TikTok Front-ends on Android?
I want to see what TikTok is about but also want to retain some privacy. If its on F-droid, playstore or as a APK I don't mind.

Make a bookmark for important websites while putting that bookmark into a separate folder so it doesn’t show on the launch screen.

Big win guys, now we just need a completely open source photo that gets regular updates

Nothing really, unless you changed laws around copyright so drastically that closed source isn’t financially sustainable. Which isnt possible.

Men, depends if you want it tied back to your real identity, if not use a fake name like John Doe, Will Smith, ect just don’t forget it

  • me: Linux is about choice.
  • archbtw: so what’s your terminal, file manager, desktop env, BIOS, software manager, keyboard binds, do you run your own fork of GNOME browser?
  • me: I use popOS and mint, why would I need a custom terminal?

You made some good points but some were non issues and some were just political stuff that doesn’t have any baring on improving FOSS, most people don’t use Free Software, Open Source is just more accessible.

Imagine denying yourself an education, and not doing the work so you can pass a memory test

This isn’t gonna take long to get fucked by Nintendo, they tend to hate their own fans, and modders, and customers.

How old is that monitor? Just wondering, because it looks very bague white, from the 90s.

It went great last time, they trashed the capital… Maybe he will stop covid with the power of a god, and start name calling politicians.

Why not just use an Ubuntu based distro without snaps installed? I’m sure someone’s made one some where.

FOSS is about the trade-off of maintain-ability, and ethics. (Maintain-ability as in paying for only what you need for a project, to be maintained over time. (aka the deficit) If there’s two sides of this coin; Free Software would have no trade-off so have little maintain-ability, and tiny scaling, but have full rights to do whatever you want with the software. Or Proprietary Software which has no ethics but has easy maintain-ability, and can quickly scale up with profits earned. Open-Source Software is the middle ground with less monetization options than proprietary software, it trades quick growth for ethics that the everyman can benefit from, without smothering the ability to scale with slowly earned profits.

I think that using an -Arch based- system made for a mass userbase, on console, is very different from what’s considered an “advanced” distro, for desktops.

I refer you to this meme: ( )

Any alternatives to Discord?
Its looking like Microsoft is gonna buy Discord. Preferably open source, and has a big userbase, and has Windows and Linux option. (but mainly windows because i only game on windows now.)

Any Alternatives to Firefox?
Preferably on Windows and Linux. I have Brave, and Tor already, would you reccomend Chromium?