• 14 Posts
  • 1 Comment
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Apr 19, 2019


A new fediverse protocol based on #ActivityStreams and #DID. It's partially interoperable with #ActivityPub. There's a demo client at https://conversely.social/. The client will automatically create an account for you. Because it uses DID (Decentralized Identifier), the account is tied to your device, by default. You can create a password to use the account on different devices, though I haven't tried that yet. My DID is [did:key:z6MksRMsKgo66ipr4Hut6gkRNkCo92FNapPjF32L6i2Za1cM](https://conversely.social/actor?did=did:key:z6MksRMsKgo66ipr4Hut6gkRNkCo92FNapPjF32L6i2Za1cM).

Communities Are Boosting Old Deleted Posts
Since the upgrade to 0.17.0, I've been able to join communities from my Pleroma account, so big shout out to the dev team for that! But I've noticed a weird behavior where communities will boost random months old posts. [This post](https://lemmy.ml/post/263985) was made 9 months ago and has since been deleted but was federated to my server [here](https://stereophonic.space/notice/ASJ3exVYh2kZ4uAAl6)

I'm excited about about a more CMS-like approach to a fediverse server, especially one that leans on #IndieWeb building blocks.

Lemmy and Hashtags
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/712978 > Does Lemmy currently use hashtags in any way? I'm assuming it doesn't since they don't show up in the UI anywhere. But while thinking about [non-lemmy software posting to lemmy communities](https://lemmy.ml/post/705776), I was wondering how lemmy would use hashtags. > > My suggestion would be for lemmy to handle hashtags in a similar way to current microblogging software, by putting them in the `tag` field and allow lemmy users to add #hashtags to their posts. [Lobsters](https://lobste.rs) displays tags beside post titles (though these tags are admin controlled I think). It seems like there is a maximum of 2 tags, which I think would be a reasonable limit for lemmy to display too. The UI could display the tags as badges, with some affordance to view any additional tags, and clicking a tag would show other posts with that tag. > > As for why, I think tags on lemmy would serve two main purposes: > 1. They would enable better discoverability on non-lemmy software where hashtags are the main topical grouping mechanism right now. > 1. While lemmy uses communities for topical grouping, some posts might fit into multiple categories, even unrelated categories. Crossposting sort of solves this, but crossposting can be considered spammy if it's done too much. And, on lemmy, crossposting creates another post which fractures the conversation. This may be desirable sometimes, but a poster may also prefer to keep all the conversation in one spot.

Lemmy and Hashtags
Does Lemmy currently use hashtags in any way? I'm assuming it doesn't since they don't show up in the UI anywhere. But while thinking about [non-lemmy software posting to lemmy communities](https://lemmy.ml/post/705776), I was wondering how lemmy would use hashtags. My suggestion would be for lemmy to handle hashtags in a similar way to current microblogging software, by putting them in the `tag` field and allow lemmy users to add #hashtags to their posts. [Lobsters](https://lobste.rs) displays tags beside post titles (though these tags are admin controlled I think). It seems like there is a maximum of 2 tags, which I think would be a reasonable limit for lemmy to display too. The UI could display the tags as badges, with some affordance to view any additional tags, and clicking a tag would show other posts with that tag. As for why, I think tags on lemmy would serve two main purposes: 1. They would enable better discoverability on non-lemmy software where hashtags are the main topical grouping mechanism right now. 1. While lemmy uses communities for topical grouping, some posts might fit into multiple categories, even unrelated categories. Crossposting sort of solves this, but crossposting can be considered spammy if it's done too much. And, on lemmy, crossposting creates another post which fractures the conversation. This may be desirable sometimes, but a poster may also prefer to keep all the conversation in one spot.

Copy the post’s link and search for it within pleroma. This is also how I upvote and comment on lemmy posts from pleroma.

Create New Post Linking to Lemmy Community
This is a lemmy feature request. I'm happy to file an issue on github is people thinks this is worthwhile. I just want to gauge interest. When creating a new post, could the `URL` field be expanded to also accept a lemmy community handle, i.e, _!lemmy@lemmy.ml_? That way a user could create a post to announce a community that would link to the community, within the instance the user is on. See [this post](https://lemmy.ml/post/690782) for an example. My lemmy account is on lemmy.ml. So when I follow the link in this post, I'm taken to lemmy.ca and can't directly follow the community. It'd be nicer if each instance detected that the link was a lemmy group and linked to the instance local community, in this case: https://lemmy.ml/c/videos@lemmy.ca. I'm assuming this would just be a frontend thing and the ActivityPub json would still use the canonical url.

Why Do Lemmy Comments Have Two URLs? - Lemmy
Is there a better way to crosspost a text post?