Fediverse funding opportunities If you have a project or idea to grow the fediverse or Mastodon, and if funding would help you do it faster/bigger/better, I hope you’ll apply for funding here: https://form.typeform.com/to/eMY7s8S8 Increasingly, there’s interest in supporting the fediverse from b...

Bit weird. An anonymous Google Doc, a screenshot of a toot saying “this is legit” and no other references. Could at least provide the URL to that toot.

A community dedicated to fediverse news and discussion.

Fediverse is a portmanteau of “federation” and “universe”. It is a common, informal name for a federation of social network servers whose main purpose is microblogging, the sharing of short, public messages.

Getting started on Fediverse;

For devs;

  • 0 users online
  • 22 users / day
  • 1 user / week
  • 1 user / month
  • 28 users / 6 months
  • 14 subscribers
  • 194 Posts
  • Modlog