Travis Skaalgard

Hey everyone. Openly-married nerdy leftist polyglot.



  • 4 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2020


If only there was a way to make it wider. Our screens are wider and content narrower than ever. Many webpages are just a narrow strip in the center of my screen, as if I were browsing a mobile site.

I’ve been pretty busy with non-online things lately

If I recall correctly, (and I could be wrong about this) early Mastodon had somewhat of a similar issue, with the large majority of users centralized on As time goes on, I imagine more instances will pop up. I honestly think some more generalized instances will do wonders for this, but I know this is a heretical opinion on the Fediverse, where people want a three-person instance for Amstrad programmers and Magic-the-Gathering-enthusiasts named Larry from Ohio.

Unfortunately voice and video are non-negotiable for my use-case, so for now I’m sticking to Element and/or SchildiChat.

I’d be surprised if it handles any actual car functions. Almost certainly just the center media console

It’s almost certainly just the OS for the center media console.

As a disclaimer, I believe COVID is real and the antivaxx conspiracy theories are absolutely ridiculous. That being said, literally in the first paragraph of this article it does say “…omicron does appear to be less severe compared to delta—especially in those vaccinated…” Peer-reviewed medical studies out of South Africa (which has a very robust healthcare system - that’s why these variants are often first identified there in the first place) show it may be 80% less likely to result in hospitalization and other research may suggest it’s 90% less likely to result in hospitalization or death. The numbers in the US (the ones I’m most familiar with, sorry) also suggest less hospitalization and death from this new variant. While cases right now are absolutely DWARFING last winter’s surge, we aren’t seeing comparable rates of hospitalization, ICU hospitalization or death.



ICU Hospitalizations:


These data are from CovidActNow, a non-profit organization which has been dedicated to tracking COVID numbers in the US since March 2020, despite the previous administration’s efforts to downplay the pandemic. They’re doing good work.

COVID is very real, very nasty, and to be taken seriously. But please keep in mind that news outlets in a capitalist society are in the business of manufacturing hysteria and keeping people engaged, much like corporate social media companies.

TL;DR Be careful but don’t panic. Do your own thinking and research.

Lmao yes, I lack empathy for other human beings because I made fun of something. Excellent deduction.

“We were really disappointed that Linux couldn’t run malware rootkits game publishers call ‘anticheat.’ Anyway, based mostly on this, my buddy’s toxic gAmEr friends, and the fact that a couple very specific games are difficult to run, we’re gonna call it ‘not ready.’”

Sure. There are still very few good alternatives.

I do all of these things in Linux and enjoy it more. Doom Eternal runs better for me than it did in Windows lol

I disagree completely. I think it is far superior to Windows as a daily driver.

I’m an ex Windows poweruser/gamer who switched over to Linux and find it infinitely more capable.

Honestly I really like this concept, but the other comments are right - there aren’t a whole lot of reasons people would switch from things like Facebook to this unless they were already onboard with hating Facebook.

Exactly. The fact that most of the community here leans “tankier” is not the same thing as censorship. Plenty of people disagree on the main Lemmy instance and simple disagreements hardly ever result in things like bans.

That’s how it always goes with all proprietary software. “Why are you complaining, you can turn it off!” quickly becomes “We got rid of that option because ‘nobody’ used it! Get used to it!” I saw this pattern in so many places over the late 2000s and 2010s that it turned a die-hard Windows user (me) into a FOSShead.

Hey everyone, I figured I'd just share some guitar videos I've put up on PeerTube.