• 9 Posts
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Apr 18, 2019


Sure sure, i’m not saying it’s not the ultimate motivation, i’m just saying it’s important to note it’s not just about labor prices as is often explained by the media.

Why is this post marked NSFW? Am i supposed to get triggered that you talk about non-free software? :P

In all cases thanks for the comparison. Maybe we should have a dedicated board for software comparisons/reviews.

@k_o_t@lemmy.ml @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml can we get this thread pinned? i didn’t read it all but it looks like decent advice and the question about what’s tor and how to use it best comes up frequently

I don’t think it’s just a matter of profit. There’s also a matter of social acceptability: industry is very polluting and has real bad working conditions. Outsourcing those major downsides to remote countries is a good way to make consumerism socially acceptable: think about it, if your cousins/neighbors were the wage slaves working and dying in the mines and factories to produce smartphones, you would even buy one? We would have massive boycotts and sabotage/expropriation campaigns.

Money is a useless abstraction and this is proof of it. Without asian factories and african/asian mines global north countries can’t manufacture shit these days.

To be fair this is nothing new. Even during the 1930s/40s most governments were “not welcoming” of jewish refugees to say the least.

In the past decade in France the government has been condemned by some higher instances for deporting european citizens to other EU countries, as well as for deporting people before they could apply for asylum at the italian border.

If you’re from the USA, you can check out the history of IWW, or more recently the revolutionary movements of the second half of the 20th century (AIM, Black Panthers, MOVE, Young lords, Weather underground, etc). To this day egalitarian sentiment persists in revolutionary movements (such as on ZADs like Standing Rock) but there is no large scale organizing like there was in that day because:

  • anti-gun laws have been passed to disarm revolutionary movements (which as you could see has zero effect on white supremacists taking guns to slaughter unarmed people)
  • these movements have faced severe repression under government programs like COINTELPRO ; many leaders remain jailed to this day (such as Mummia Abu Jamal or Leonard Peltier) while others have been outright assassinated under government orders (such as Fred Hampton or the MOVE organization which was bombed by the FBI destroying dozens of home to eradicate it)

If you’re from France, i would recommend doing some reading about early CGT history, or more recently about Mouvement des Travailleurs Arabes, Main d’Oeuvre Immigrée, Front Homosexuel d’Action Révolutionnaire, Action Directe… Or even more recently Movement de l’Immigration et des banlieues or the ZAD movement. While not exactly an organized movement, autonomous forces are still present in France especially during major riot times (2005 suburbs riots against police abuse, 2006 student riots against CPE law, gilets jaunes).

I’ve heard that argument and i understand the technical reasoning, but in real-world experience i found that disabling swap was the best swappiness for me. Maybe i’m doing something wrong but “help my computer freezes sometime” is a common problem in my circles and “disable swap” has been the best recommendation i found so far.

Well it’s a shame because now the debate for the 2nd round will be as stupid as ever. At least if Mélenchon got here we may have envisioned to have a talk about capitalism and feminism and deep racism in the heart of our society.

Buuuuuuuut to see the positive side of the argument, at least we won’t have to argue against a tyrannical old man in a suit (who used to be from Parti Socialiste and is still an unashamed soc-dem who does not support revolutionary movements) and his hordes of middle-class bobos who get triggered any time you make a political critique that’s not aimed at a right-wing party.

So i guess we’ve got that going for us? :-/

Personal experience: on desktop i always disable swap. On a server it makes sense because who fucking cares if your email takes 10ms or 1s to send, but in a graphical context there’s so many memory accesses that the tiniest bit swapped to disk starts to make the whole thing sluggishly slow.

Of course that’s less of a problem if you’re using a SSD, but now you may be putting unnecessary strain on your SSD whose durability is bound by writes not reads.

So disabling swap + enabling systemd-oom/earlyoom (to kill the most gluttonous executable when really needed) is a good combination for me.

There’s also earlyoom that’s systemd-independent. If you have a source about the edge cases produced by such software i’m curious

Oh i’m pretty good at making stupid mistakes ;)

I’m not familiar with dbus, but i had a quick look. I don’t know the difference between a bus and a connection, btu apparently:

Not sure if the latter would accept the result from the former as a valid parameter, but this SO thread suggested so.

Just a nitpick: Le Pen ended up with 23.15% and Mélenchon with 21.95%, that’s 1.2% difference (the article says 20.1% for Mélenchon).

You’re precisely proving my point that you need a huge sample of voice from that person in order to “replicate” them ;)

EDIT: For example, in the case of Simpsons, they have 25 seasons of voice data to train the model.

I guess it works fine for very formal speech, where most voices sound alike. But i have strong doubts that it would capture the subtleties of popular/queer speech

The difference is “AI” took dozens of billions of tries to “learn” to play those games. More like bruteforcing into a problem not intelligence ;)

Well first deepfakes need to die. It’s a dangerous tech that should not exist at all and does not need any more research.

To be fair, i haven’t dug into deepfake models, but i assume you would train them on the specific person you’re trying to deepfake: i mean for basic video stuff going with a pre-trained model may be ok but for audio there’s no way you can get away with it ;)

It's nice and all to focus on what's happening in Ukraine because Putin's rule is truly horrifying for those who defy the norms (queers, anarchists..) but let's not forget there is war elsewhere. Such as in Yemen, where the Saudis (long-time petro-allies of the USA) have been bombing the local population and committing horrendous crimes for years... all with the nice and friendly help from western powers [selling weapons](https://www.amnesty.fr/controle-des-armes/actualites/armes-francaises-au-yemen--un-mensonge-detat) and performing [drone strikes on civilians](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/12/air-strike-yemen-15-wedding-guest-killed-mistaken-al-qaida). From the article: > Children are the “first and most to suffer”, UNICEF said, adding that at least 10,000 minors have been killed or injured since 2015, when the Saudi-led military alliance launched air raids in the Middle East’s poorest country. > Hundreds of thousands of people have died as a direct or indirect consequence of Yemen’s war between the Iran-backed Houthi rebels and government forces backed by the Saudi-led military coalition. PS: Does someone have a link for the ex-US-inteligence operatives investigated for working on political repression for Saudi intelligence? i remember reading about it on HN (because one of them "came clean" when he realized how he was being "used") but can't find the source now

I mean we could be critical of some lyrics, i'm not saying otherwise. But claiming socialism is about supporting war efforts from one of the biggest empires on earth run by an ex-secret-service operative... that's a major shift in direction!

Version longue en français: https://www.bortzmeyer.org/coupure-russie.html Several ISPs in France have started censoring rt.com via their DNS resolver. Why are they doing this? I guess officially they'll say it's because of Russian propaganda about Ukraine, and that's partially correct. But also worth pointing out is that despite *very uncritical propaganda from the regime* about what happens in Russia, RT is one of the only mass media (non-independent publication) where you can have decent news about social uproar in France (gilets jaunes, anti-police-abuse riots, etc). We haven't reached the point where posts to RT are censored on social media (where it's most popular) so i can't exactly say we have "one side" to the news yet but it's getting closer. This message is both a **fuck you** to french ISPs engaging in censorship (remember Sci-Hub? TPB?) and a reminder to all the Putin fanboys around here what "there's only one side to the news" really means: Russia is already there (there's a few independent publications but they've been struggling for years with State censorship and journalist assassinations) and France is getting closer (on the other side of the narrative). The rest of you who live in countries with more free speech can't even realize what information control means so please don't take these words lightly.

Look, Lemmy, we need to have a talk about neo-fascism
Dear Lemmy, as you may well be aware, racial hierarchies and colonial empires are doing good in these early 2020s. In particular, in the days of the war in Ukraine, it's important to point out the fascist tendencies at play. Fascism and racial/cultural hierarchies are on the rise on every continent, from Turkey to Brasil, to China, to France, to India... Fuck all Nations! Destroy all borders, and long live autonomous Communes! --- On the Ukraine side of things, there's a bunch of neo-nazis in the army, as well as more traditional nationalists/fascists. It's not exactly a secret, and the former president was very close to these circles: ![Photo montage with ukrainian neo-nazis](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/9f8e218d-5638-49ce-87d5-ff1c1a3ef0b9.webp) On the Russian side of things, there's also a bunch of neo-nazis in the army as well as traditional nationalists/fascists. It's [not exactly a secret](https://www.respublica.lt/neonacizmas-rusijos-samdiniu-tarpe) either: ![Russian military officer with a nazi eagle](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e526db_86f7d5d3ab384d76b9dfa0abc4fe9c1a~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_740,h_444,al_c,q_90/e526db_86f7d5d3ab384d76b9dfa0abc4fe9c1a~mv2.webp) Both governments have long fought against popular movements and anarchist/antifascist networks. Both countries have neo-nazi/fascist militias parading down the streets and beating/killing random people. Just like France or USA have them too. Don't trust me? Check out the wikipedia page on [neo-nazism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Nazism). Follow their sources and make yourself an opinion. It's very instructive, although very incomplete. I definitely recommend to check out the [Racism in Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Ukraine) and [Racism in Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Russia) pages, too. **Please remember that when you try to paint one side of a conflict as the good anti-nazi hero. Nazis are fucking everywhere. Fascists and nazis have been running the show in much of the world even after WWII ended. Nazi collaborators were responsible for France's war against the algerian people, and their grandchildren (spiritual or biological) are responsible for today's new repression, wars and genocides.** We need to dismantle nazism and fascism at its root: the nation State and cultural supremacy. Yes, you should be proud of your local culture and land. No, that does not justify diminishing other cultures/lands. **All we exploited/struggling people have to stand in solidarity with other people struggling for freedom and equality across the planet. No border divides us in the international socialist/anarchist movement. We will fight against all Empires for autonomous communities worldwide!** PS: If you need more detailed resources on neo-nazi/neo-fascist/nationalist/traditionalist on the rise in a specific country/region, feel free to ask. There are chances i have some good articles/documentaries, and if not i've got ideas about who to ask.

Sometimes clicking notifications button takes me to: https://lemmy.ml/404?err=TypeError:%20Cannot%20read%20properties%20of%20null%20(reading%20%27local_user_view%27) I believe that's before the page is fully loaded. Server-side rendering makes sense :)

limited posts per IP per hour
Apparently 6 posts per IP per hour goes over the limit. However, just changing my Tor circuit enabled me to post my last crosspost. Should quotas be per-user not per-IP? Some people may share the same IP in a legit manner after all. Also, should crosspost count as posts?