• 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2021


It’s mixed. Sometimes we use literal translations (e.g. computer -> Rechner, window -> Fenster, operating system -> Betriebssystem). For other terms we stick to the English one (e.g. software, bug, chip, browser, email).

Great update again. I’m most excited about the embedded videos!

Will these language tags eventually be extended for custom tags (ala Reddit flairs)?

You are right, sorry. Seems like that was only on Jerboa.

EDIT: In the settings there is a block tab where you can add communities to the block list.

In the dropdown menu of a post from this community there should be an option to block the whole community.

I think I simply don’t share your view that it takes violence/terror against civilians for a conflict to be labeled a war (at least that’s what your previous comment seems to imply, you may correct me at any time).

I doubt you are incapable, so I will just call it intellectual dishonesty.

Thanks, very nice from you, comrade :D

Soldiers of Russia enter Ukraine and kill Ukrainian soliders. How would you call it if not war?

I think so. With corresponding user services this should not be a problem. I am not sure though since my machines run openrc and runit.

Something I would miss without a login manager would be the start of the D-Bus session bus, or the unlocking of the system keyring.

Thanks for the update on the numbers! Apparantly the article remained unchanged from the first results at ~20:00.

With those numbers it is actually quite close for Mélenchon (still about 800k votes though). Shame!

If you post something on lemmy I’ll read it :D

Jokes aside, usually active/subscribed first and new/all later.

There is Tauri which is very similar but claims to have a lower resource usage and be more secure.

Cryptpad is also an alternative for collaborative document editing.

Nice find. I would have assumed that Drew kept the development quiet to not raise expectations that could not be met.

Help Chile write free software values, privacy, and digital sovereignty into their constitution
TL;DR: Chile is currently running a convent for a new constitution and there is a proposal to adopt the free software values and privacy into their constitution. It will be proposed to the convent if 15,000 Chilean signatures can be collected.