Miguel, aka mickie. Code, Science, Politics, etc.


blog: mugcake.gitlab.io/blog/ (ES)

pleroma: migue@kawen.space

mastodon: mugcake@mastodon.online


  • 30 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jan 22, 2020


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/250469 > > EDPS launches pilot phase of two social media platforms | European Data Protection Supervisor > > [EU voice](https://social.network.europa.eu/about) (Mastodon) > [EU video](https://tube.network.europa.eu/) (Peertube) > > **--- Sarcasm mode on ---** > > Wait, not that NATO was so united? why don't they trust Uncle Sam's platforms? Why are they afraid of Musk, isn't he the real life Tony Stark who will take us to Mars in green rockets (not the ones he smokes)?

> EDPS launches pilot phase of two social media platforms | European Data Protection Supervisor [EU voice](https://social.network.europa.eu/about) (Mastodon) [EU video](https://tube.network.europa.eu/) (Peertube) **--- Sarcasm mode on ---** Wait, not that NATO was so united? why don't they trust Uncle Sam's platforms? Why are they afraid of Musk, isn't he the real life Tony Stark who will take us to Mars in green rockets (not the ones he smokes)?

The world of streaming services is one of the most toxic industries there can be. People paying for content they will never own. By the way, the joke of playing war with Russia was very expensive.

Although lately I don’t get out of bed with a great positive attitude, during the course of the day my mood improves.

It happen because unlike software (programs) that is governed by the licenses (copyright) the hardware (physical objects) is governed by the patents, and mostly of the time these patents are share among several manufactures, and sometimes they are extremely ridiculous (you can patent practically any idea, no matter how simple and unclear it may be) that whatever product you bring out you have probably violated some of these.

It’s not recommended for production yet, is an alternative for VK social network (Russia).

Drew: I don’t want anyone to see my new programming language.

Also Drew: Makes a complete page with docs, tutorials, resources, and public repos. And he asks you to please keep it as a secret ㊙ .

He has a good sense of humor 🤣

JShelter: Home
An anti-malware Web browser extension to mitigate potential threats from JavaScript, including fingerprinting, tracking, and data collection!

To generalize

In technical terms there are no differences, both communities (including Manjaro, and other arch-based communities) collaborate each other (finding/fixing bugs, documentation, etc.). The key differences are in the social/political field. The parabola project is more concerned about social aspects of technology and its impact in all the spheres of human been: freedom/free will, planned obsolescence, social movements, environmental issues, morality/ethics, etc. In contrast the Arch project is more concerned about the technological aspects: the limits of computing and technology in general (less political).

The same happens with Trisquel/Debian, FSF/OSI, etc.

Based on the Arch distribution, Parabola is a complete, user-friendly operating system, suitable for general "everyday" use, while retaining Arch's "power-user" charm. Parabola adheres to the [GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines (FSDG)](https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html).

It was the first 100% free/libre distro that I installed. It’s the most user-friendly of all those recommended by the FSF.

The more you use permissive licenses (mit, bsd, php, etc.) the more rights you lose on the code/software you have made.

the ordinary user will only notice it when his adblocker stops working.

Firefox maintains the largest extension market that’s not based on Chrome, and the company has said it will adopt Mv3 in the interest of cross-browser compatibility.

We all know, and more the Mozilla people, that this cross-browser compatibility is false, the big G is forcing them to use their technology unilaterally. Mozilla is one step away from switching to blink engine, but they has no more options, with the huge losses generated by many bad decisions made, especially during the disastrous management of Brendan Eich. Google became their only oxygen tank (keeping Mozilla afloat enough to avoid antitrust laws and disintegrate the conglomerate).

we have chosen not to name names or divulge specifics that could implicate anyone. Even so, we felt that we should state our reasons for resigning to avoid people making up their own drama.

An entire team resigned, one of those who is part of the governance structure. Isn’t this enough drama?

I have a feeling that someone wants to take over the whole direction of the Rust Foundation and therefore the way the technology should go. cough cough << Bezos >>.