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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2020


I generally try it with snapdrop first but if for some reason it isn’t working, I use one of the firefox send instance.

there’s also file.pizza which I never got working.

How hard is it to implement such a feature?

very hard, since it’s not a coding problem but a data problem. Translators need a lot of data to be useful that mostly isn’t available for free. Mozilla is working on it for their browser but i’m not sure how good it is.


oh. didn’t know that. hopefully it’ll be functional soon.

Doesn’t fission offer site isolation for firefox on android? It’s disabled by default but you can turn it on with about:config

Because money? Currently it’s not a small feat to achieve and people/companies want to be compensated and make profit off of it.

Open source hardware projects rely heavily on grants and donations for which most people are hesitant.

they don’t allow search on their free tier last time i checked. that put me off. did that change?


-create walled ecosystems

-make developers pay an pricey subscription fee to publish app on proprietary app store

-disallow alternative appstore

-extend review time for open source software as a security review (especially for security updates)

-people will then lose trust in open source software


Take a look at Duplicati, it can encrypt your files before upload and sync works pretty well

I use Neovim, LiteXL, and VS Codium depending on the project size and needs. no one tool suits all.

Does Mull allow access to add-on collections? i’ve been using Fennec

Any good open-source self-hosted alternative to gleam io and the likes?