• 2 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 21, 2021


The threat to Russia is real and should not be understated.

NATO doesn’t invade countries. This is a threat to their geopolitical interests, not a direct threat.

You can whatabout your way and compare them to America acting on their interests, but that just makes them the same as America, not better.

This looks like a fantastic solution to having a usable web (leaving Javascript enabled) while still maintaining privacy. Really the final piece that uBlock was missing. Very nice!

“Workers are not workers if they disagree with me politically.”

The correct term is scabs.

Yeah it’s going to take a while for people to move over to Wayland.

AH really? What DE? I guess everyone should use Manjaro. For me, I have to right click, run as executable. Firefox doesn’t work, Pling icon looks like shit, can’t update them without using a poorly made updater program. No thanks!

Mass containerization and alternate runtimes cannot possibly be the future of desktop apps on Linux. If this is really the direction it’s going, the future will be so shitty that we’ll all end up back on macOS or Windows.

This posts features great complaints but really shitty reasoning. Very immature perspective on things.

If you are so upset about it, name the perfect alternative, contribute to one, or go make one. This post barely approaches solutions and spends all of it’s time whining about the outcome of technology choices without even touching on what they would change.

AppImages don’t integrate into the system at all and AppImageUpdate sucks.

Also flatpak update go brrrr