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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2021


She turned me into a newt, but I got better.

https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge has a plugin that will turn a Twitter username or hashtag into an RSS feed, and does not require a twitter api key.

None of this is actionable or quantatative. If you have an issue with the mobile apps, file bugs.

Eggs are always fantastic. It’s not cheese or ribs or hamburgers that keep me from going vegan, it’s eggs. Experiment with different prepapations and end products. You can make a soft poached egg in the microwave with some experimentation, since it depends a lot on the specific power output of your microwave.

What works for me:

Mix 4 oz water with a tiny splash of white vinegar. Microwave full power 60s.

Swirl the water with a spoon, crack the egg and drop it in the water.

Microwave full power 30s. Remove, swirl the water.

From there, it’s 1 or two more iterations of 10 seconds on full power, swirl, check for doneness.

I eat it over rice or toast or lots of different leftovers.

Scrambled eggs are great, you can add a bit of milk to fluff them up, I find I prefer no milk which makes them a bit more toothsome. Top with salt + pepper l, maybe cheese.

Fried eggs on a sandwich.

Sofboiled eggs in soup.

Eggs are the shit.

Ironically, the last release of SciLinux was 7, and Fermi dropped to redirect efforts into migrating to… Centos 8.

literally the only reason i still pay for netflix is I share netflix to my sister, and she shares hulu to me. if i can’t share netflix with her, they lose us both. i don’t watch anything on netflix anymore, it’s all trash, especially their in-house releases, and they keep jacking the rates up. i’ll honestly be releived to dump it and pirate anything good they release going forward.

I’ve stucstuck with Florisboard after trytrying ASK and several others. none can hold a candle to gboard but Floris irritates me the least so far.

thanks. i hate when links are to a video, all the more so when the video is on some shillcoin site.

This. It’s the most-used mobile phone os, and now in Windows you and install WSL2 with a click and run any Linux app, including X apps.

OP, are you flirting? This isn’t an insult.