• 32 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 04, 2022


ya'll are putins puppets as soon as you don't bend over and take it from behind...

i think if we throw more karens into jail, eventually our prison abolitionist movement will finally take off due a sudden influx of pink hatters and Maga Karens…

fuck this nazi ghoul. send this video to all your friends and relatives. just to make sure they know


as long as George W. Bush jr. is not in jail, we are living in hell ruled by the devils and plagues he unleashed on us

guess who repealed the assault weapons ban to allow a silent genocide enacted by the rigthwing? GEORGE W. BUSH jr. EVERY DEAD KID IN A SCHOOL SHOOTING with an AR is on this man

new demonstration slogan. and boy it is time to take the streets and fucking rage against the machine

i don’t think that was it, it happened with hitlers default. because who invested in the 3rd Reich? all the former slaveowner - now moguls - transhumanist eugenicist oligarchs in the United states. especially the ones with european or feudal roots or connection to the british. f.e. the Vanderbuilts, the Bushes, the Rockefellers, the Duponts, JpMorgans and even some rothschildts. (the family is big, like the british crown, parts of it supported hitler).

After they lost their slaves they saw new opportunities for cheap labour in europe and sidelineing US labour law improvements by useing the cheap labour promised by the third reich which was cracking down on unions, subverting and unifiying them under NSDAP leadership (actually, this was hitlers greatest coup, he had been a paid military spy working for bismarck and hindenburg in the emerging socialist movements and workers movements of germany). And Hitler promised to revert the revolutions in france and russia, which had cost them so much and had removed quite a few heads of people who had feudal relatives all over europe - now very fond of hitler -, afraid to be next. especially the ones whose heads were ripe for a plucking after the debacle and misery which WW1 and the treaty of versailles brought over starving and wounded german people - but not their former feudal leaders… so germany was ripe for revolution and hitler was paid to drown it in blood and turn it against the other two revolutions, potentially reverting them and reinstalling the feudal families. while also covering up the tracks of them disappearing the german & european wealth into their own pockets by killing their accountants and hiding all their wealth and land in “incorporations” now corporations&bank assets. and feudal families tended to have jewish private bankers. granted jews were a minority among bankers but among private bankers, they were pretty sought after. by killing them off, hitler effectively removed most of the traces of their wealth and disconnected the peoples perception from their old masters and how they were responsibly. hitler actually succeeded in these goals. and we are suffering the consequences. i personally think he evaded captureing and ended in argentina. but that’s just me, on the other hand i guess there must have been quite the amount of people who would want to see him dead even after an escape. and by that i mean his own former funders

a good read is “The order of the day” by Eric Vuillard

well, i guess we have enough chechens russians serbs, afghans, pakistani, indians and syrians all over the place who are already here for years and hate these fucks with a passion. europe is safer thx to previous migrations

you think that’s frightening? you better read “Needful things” by Stephen king, Morton Rhues “The Wave” or Hans Fallada “every man dies alone”. and read the books, do not watch the movies, which are usually shit and besides the point of what all of this implies for social media, cambridge analytica and what is actually happening. the movies to these books tend to distract from the severity of their message by focusing on the hero/evil dichotomy or a background love story instead of the intricate metaphorical observation & projection of mechanisms by their respective authors.

if i can think of this in regards to current technology, guess how far the architects of these systems and the managers have seen forward into the dystopia they are about to sell us to secure and cement their own positions, which are mostly inherited…

this is the intended end of lifecycle for this product. it was educated, distracted, manipulated and conditioned by cold war media, movies and computer games, obscure trollfarms on message boards run by nazi transhumanist tech oligarchs (Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg working for even more evil transhumanist nazi oligarchs) to serve the ultimate goal of killing people the system deems problematic, deplorable, non-aligned dangerous or inhibiting their imperialist agenda on both, the home front (killing enacted by school shooters in public schools (hardly ever in boarding ones…)) and on the front abroad (killing enacted by mercenaries, isis, alquaeda, hts, c18, c14, svoboda, azov, pancasila…

if you manipulate and target mentally ill or potentially dangerous people on the internet, you can always claim plausible deniabilty.

and future breeding runs via tinder & co, because who owns meta owns tinder and who owns meta? Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg… Just to make sure your future partner and parent to your kid is a hidden fascist narcissist psychopath. brought to you thx to cambridge analytica so you drown in problems created in dynamics with your social media chosen congenial opposing mentally ill partner. and by knowing the language and terms of your relationships and hidden psychological traits of each partner, they can target and break any relationship by just feeding them memes that facilitate a new perspective driving separation… whereas fascists will spawn babies like rabbits.

To partition the populus to create a tribalist conflict the highest chan of soviets has decided to split the Kardashian family into 4 equal parts and to keep them in a suspended conflict over heritage and media access. this should initiate the schism on an emotional level. once the childbearing population has been driven into conflict, we can split the non-productive parts of society along football associations & NASCAR driver fandoms… the remaining 2% of intellectuals resisting the program will be wedgied into compliance by the brainwashed masses as we go.

treadmill, greenscreen & color correction

nazis were involved too. Dulles was a huge actor in Operation Paperclip and the mob basically sold all the drugs his nazi assets created in southamerica. the long tail of the result of this cold war money laundering campaign (the largest financial flow in history) can be read in all the banking leaks of the last 2 decades.

well, i wasn’t suggesting the person blinded by the vendors neglect should be tasked to solve this… but from the article it seems that is exactly what they intend to happen…

i mean it’s all hypothetical in the end since i ve never had the thing before me, but i m saying: due to the size of the device, hard encryption and continuous server connection is not probable and spoofing and reverse engineering of the device probably doable for a person of advanced IT security or reverse engineering knowledge…

the way i know companies is that they usually steal open source code rightaway or they modify standard stuff slightly to throw sand into peoples eyes rather than waterproofing everything. either way, you should be able to find the services listening to the service listening to the port, server answer or no server answer, if you know the name of the service, you can find the services listening to it or waiting for some response from it (changing a 0 into a 1 in some otherwise empty textfile in the extremely stupid case)

well, there is always a service listening on some port to a server answer. so it’s usually about identifying the service waiting for a server response and reroute the services listening to this process to ignore it. kinda like shitpiping specialist Robert Deniro in Terry Gilliams “Brazil”

i bet it runs linux, i bet it can be easily hacked… because an item of this size & complexity of function cannot have a very secure connection and thus could probably easily be reverse engineered to connect to a raspberry posing as the company server. just man in the middle yourself…

the Savings&Loans Scandal, a sidenote of "the Sopranos" (2nd Season) culminating in Enron/AIG & 911 Maybe rewatch and rethink history a few times, the stories are out there and have been encoded in the backdrops of movies, TV-series and our urban myths

For all you 3d Printing and designing nerds, support this project as it adds critical features to Blender which allow our favorite 3d-modelling program to eventually be integratable into modern construction and production workflows and maybe soon create fully interchangeability...

Go watch Troy Parfitts analyses on Petersons language. enlightening for everyone who didn't know yet.

Basically, every statement the subjects here refer to are being brought RIGHT BACK to the criminal group that tried using them as cannon fodder, ratting out and threatening all the primary sources these two clowns have talked to primo example of fascist rat Jakarta-type Journalism. ratting out everyone who said anything the reporter cannot otherwise corroborate themselves with independent 3rd parties to the SBU to get tortured. NEVER TRUST A JOURNALISM LIKE THIS

if your government is partnered with the US you will have to fight to keep your healthcare! Name, Shame & Defame, Doxx and publicize their asses, do not let them get away with implementing this system of economic vampirism an inch further

They are everywhere! In your orchestra, in your museum, in your library... dang it... I bet they have blin hidden in your cookie jar...

no, it’s just in the article. i suggest the guy is some Azov funder, maybe some Kolomoisky strawman and all the jewish stuff is just backdrop to ordinary mafia. be it zionist, OUN people, CIA/Mossad or whatever. I m not trying to insinuate here, but it’s what the article does not say, which makes it so goddamn interesting this context and Mossad/CIA are just the first two groups which come to mind in this context. in the end “probable deniability” prevails…

when you feel the azov leaving your body with all the rest of your molecules…

actually, those tochkas could theoretically have been fired by NATO countries

well the joke i keep hearing from my austrian comrades is that the next time the austrian chancellor flies to Putin to achieve national embarrassement he should bring some goddamn sunflower oil back with him…

Glowies in full on propaganda gaslighting mode. now with extra hipness...

a friend from austria sent me this article today which i will summarize shortly for you A ukrainian 38-old who - due to a supposed cardiac weakness - was not elligible for military service "fled" in his Mercedes ti vienna. accommodated himself in the richest district of vienna and after a visit to the ~~mosque~~ (correction:) synagogue (unspecified) finds that 30.000 of his bars of gold (!) at the appartement are stolen. (cover up for criminal payment?). at which point he supposedly gets paranoid, goes to his car in a underground garage and because he only has money in large notations with him cannot pay the 5€ neccessary to exit the garage. Since he is seemingly drunk (admitted to 4 whiskeys in court) two young people going out and also in the garage ask if they can help him at which point he threatens them with a knife and forces them to pay the 5€ exit fee. He doesn't speak german but the two young people who tell the judge that he had seemingly widened pupils and was obviously (to them) on drugs, also because he had asked them for cocaine prior to the incident... He tells the judge he is a "financier" with a wide business portfolio in "rare metals" and "real estate" earning between 20.000 and 30.000 DOLLARS (!!!) a month (and indeed he has a lot of rare metal)... Now, supposedly "cardiac weakness" but enough cardiac strength to ask for coke, drink take drugs and threaten someone with a knife? IS this NAZI LEADERSHIP stealing UKRAINIAN STATE FUNDS and entering the criminal underworld of Europe by buiyng themselves into drug&real estate markets or contacting their MOSSAD/CIA handlers? Because it sounds like it...

Probably threatening Putin with lines of Cocaine and bribe him with some mansion in the alps or whatever the great military power that is Austria has in mind lets hope the dude learns something, before his alpine people have to fallback to potato farming and heating their houses with furniture, because as far as i read the news, he is about to "strongly adress warcrimes in Bucha"... pretty sure the dude is about to learn the splits in one day

RECOMMENDED READ - Victoria Nulands father talking about the trauma that is driving his daughter today
Gonzalo Lira was right, Nuland is a fake name, her father changed his name from MEYER-NUDELMAN (SCHMUEL MEYER-NUDELMAN) to cut ties with his heritage after suffering from his own father - who had to flee Ukraine because of tsarist pogroms. This is the trauma driving US policy here. current MUST READ

a "witness" in Bucha giving reports what the skilled observer immediately notices is the well kempt beard, the good health, the spotless skin, the lack of ash/dust/dirt on this man anywhere but his jacket. The beard is well groomed, the teint healthy, this does not look like someone who has been living in a basement. maybe his jacket has, but the rest looks like a crisis actor to me