I made this community before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a place to post headlines and discuss the rising tensions. With the war in Ukraine slowing down, I feel it’s a good time to open the community up to discussions about the other theatres NATO is pushing itself into.
Please feel free to post about the wide range of conflicts NATO’s engaged in, and their subversive actions against global peace and the legal governments and hegemony of Russia and China.
For posting news about NATO’s wars in Ukraine, Serbia, Kosovo, and The Middle East, including anywhere else NATO is currently engaged in hostile actions. As well as anything that relates to it.
Follow Site Rules
No support nor defence of Western-backed governments, NATO or Western Imperialism
let’s say the “death to …” meme is cursed. i accept “death to slaveowners” because it is a genius troll to find people who defend slavery but “death to …” something people believe in who we want to educate and turn around is somewhat of a toxic approach. the shitlib won’t drink the message unless you slip it into their copium…
Shitlibs don’t belong in here. You don’t show a virgin the most kinky shit you are into. You seduce them get them into vanilla stuff and ease them into weird kinky stuff.
well, i agree and disagree at the same time as you just did.