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I’ve posted around my local facebook groups for carpooling options/ride sharing/ride sharing/renting.

Combined with the immense cost of paying some one submarket rates (less than taxi/uber) to bring me to the job and back, i’d only be taking home slightly more than minimum wage.

Can I theoretically buy a car for like 3 months then like sell it at not too much of a loss?

I’m in a bad state right now financially and don’t have another job lined up. This seasonal job will hopefully help me get a better physical labor job like becoming a carpenter or like plumber.

My boss and a few other (capitalists) people tell me that buying a car is a good investment and is like guaranteed to increase income… I guess if I did manage to become like an carpenter or whatever, then i’d need a car to bring all my tool stuff around town?

I assume there isn’t any serviceable public transportation and biking is not feasible?

Short-term leasing is a possible option. Many car rental businesses may accomodate this, including some online ones. I haven’t done it myself so I cannot comment on it.

When the alternative is not making income, I’d have to agree that a car might be necessary. It sucks to say that! Although I bet that many carpentry and plumbing employers may provide a work vehicle.

As an aside, I’d absolutely love to see a plumber arrive on a cargo bike.


Good investment? Nah, that thing loses value like it’s a job. Car investments are worthless from what I’ve seen. On the brightside, the market for used cars is actually in high demand so you’ll get more for a car than in other times. Car buying, if you dont have a downpayment or good credit, is very difficult so sticking with owner sales would be your best bet, or short term rental like mentioned. Alternative, any coworkers who live around you? As someone who carpools with a coworker, it’s not a bad thing to do.

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