Lemmy - An open source decentralised alternative to Reddit
Lemmy is a link aggregator for the fediverse. It provides similar functionality to Reddit but you can host your own instances and federate with other Lemmy i...

My video overview for non-Lemmy users who are wondering what it is about and what it looks like.

Watch at https://youtu.be/5axSUJj0bBY or https://odysee.com/@GadgeteerZA:4/lemmy-an-open-source-decentralised:4?r=cJR4puCKxLKcKcMa5AtvKLaGsV1TAfVb or on Peertube at https://video.hardlimit.com/videos/watch/f3f0a88e-eb19-48a4-bce2-42e33c0b3d26

#technology #opensource #lemmy #alternativeto #reddit

Wow, I’ve never heard of this, it looks really cool. When will it be available? /s

Can I upload your video to tilvids.com? It’s a peetube instance. You will be given credit.

I have no relation with tilvids, just wanted to get more content on there.

If you have time, why not create a channel on tilvids?


I do have it uploaded to Odysee and Peertube so you should be able to follow me/reshare on either - https://video.hardlimit.com/videos/watch/f3f0a88e-eb19-48a4-bce2-42e33c0b3d26

IMO it would be great if you were there since their content is of the best in Peertube, it feels like it is curated

Their content is good, but they disrespect the Federation for a bad excuse.

Everything about Lemmy; bugs, gripes, praises, and advocacy.

For discussion about the lemmy.ml instance, go to !meta@lemmy.ml.

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