Vladimir Putin has launched his invasion of Ukraine, seemingly expecting that his forces can subdue Ukrainian resistance. But the attack could severely destabilize his regime — with Russians already showing a notable lack of enthusiasm for war.
That is called nationalism at play. Read about it. Next you will want to tell me NATO being founded by Hitler’s army chief was justified and they totally do not practice imperialism and are totally not practicing economic and military fascism.
Poor Russia, even though they gave up communism for good old capitalism the nazis are still coming after them. What does it take to satisfy them? Poor little Russia! Now it has to invade other countries to protect itself!
That is called nationalism at play. Read about it. Next you will want to tell me NATO being founded by Hitler’s army chief was justified and they totally do not practice imperialism and are totally not practicing economic and military fascism.
Poor Russia, even though they gave up communism for good old capitalism the nazis are still coming after them. What does it take to satisfy them? Poor little Russia! Now it has to invade other countries to protect itself!
Poor little NATO Nazis, controlling the world is not enough, need more control.
Says the tankie.
And here you resort to insults again, NATO bootlicker
Oh look it’s a right winger using “us vs them” tactic.