Parabola GNU/Linux-libre - Lemmy
### About You’ve reached the Parabola GNU/Linux-libre community in Lemmy. The Parabola project is a community-driven, “labour-of-love” effort to maintain a 100% free (as in: freedom) operating system distribution that is lean, clean, and hackable. Based on the Arch distribution, Parabola is a complete, user-friendly operating system, suitable for general “everyday” use, while retaining Arch’s “power-user” charm. Parabola adheres to the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines (FSDG). ### Documentation Wiki Installation Guide ARM Installation Guide Migration from other distros ### Support Bug Tracker Assist Mailing List IRC Channels ### Community Community Forum GNU social group (down) Reddit forum Lemmy forum (unofficial) ### Free Culture Multimedia Comics Wallpapers ### Development Donate Development Mailing List Projects in Git Package Groups Todo Lists ISO Release List Visualizations Differences Reports ### People Hackers Support Staff Hacker Fellows Artists Signing Master Keys ### Mirror Network Mirror Status Mirrorlist Updater Mirror List ### More Resources Press Coverage News Archives RSS Feeds

Based on the Arch distribution, Parabola is a complete, user-friendly operating system, suitable for general “everyday” use, while retaining Arch’s “power-user” charm. Parabola adheres to the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines (FSDG).

I know what the difference between Arch and Parabola is, but I’m not sure the differences are large enough to warrant an entire separate community away from an Arch specific one. What could a Parabola community possibly talk about that couldn’t be posted in an Arch community with a Parabola tag or something?


To generalize

In technical terms there are no differences, both communities (including Manjaro, and other arch-based communities) collaborate each other (finding/fixing bugs, documentation, etc.). The key differences are in the social/political field. The parabola project is more concerned about social aspects of technology and its impact in all the spheres of human been: freedom/free will, planned obsolescence, social movements, environmental issues, morality/ethics, etc. In contrast the Arch project is more concerned about the technological aspects: the limits of computing and technology in general (less political).

The same happens with Trisquel/Debian, FSF/OSI, etc.

The key differences are in the social/political field. The parabola project is more concerned about social aspects of technology and its impact in all the spheres of human being: freedom/free will, planned obsolescence, social movements, environmental issues, morality/ethics, etc.

Could you show me a source where the parabola project has talked in an official capacity regarding freedom/free will, planned obsolescence, social movements, environmental issues, morality/ethics, etc.? I think that would make for some interesting reading that I would quite enjoy. Thanks.

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