Elon Musk Has Become the Villain Liberals Always Imagined Him to Be
The richest man in the world’s coming-out party as a Republican was all but inevitable — but not for the reasons you might think.

Everyday is a new day and there are new potentially low hanging fruit to radicalize - what about cryptobros?

Judging from the subreddit, a lot of them are banking their 1000$ oncrypto to try to get a better standard of living. 1000$ and only a 1000 and they had to save up for months/weeks to have that amount of expendable cash.

Something involving the key phrases of:

“since the cryptomarket has crashed” (it actually has), “we should take the billionaires money and use that to improve our standard of living”, “billonaires gamble millions into the cryptomarket and get lucky and get richer, but if the market tanks, it doesn’t even affect them”.

Some shiza about the american dream involving leftist concepts that appeals to libertarians. Invoke the wallstreet bets gamespot play. It has to appeal to that individual responsibility bs.

I’m not sure how to try to appeal to them properly, or how to even go about contacting them in an effective manner (ex a self post on r/cryptocurrency?)

Cryptobros is just not the demographic I’d go after for radicalizing to be honest.

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