If these numbers are correct the Ukrainian Army is almost finished, no wonder the Western elites sound more and more hysterical. Information war won’t be enough to cover the disaster very soon.
Source: https://t.me/rybar
What do you think?
Compared to Russian official numbers on equipment, they look similar
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it would be nice if it specified if “losses” meant casualties or deaths. (no they aren’t the same)
The first image breaks it down into deaths, injuries, and captures. The second image is only about military equipment. And tanks and planes don’t die per se, so I think it’s all pretty unambiguous.
Sry, non native english speaker here. What is the difference? Tried googling but not sure. ‘Casualty’ in this sense is when someone/something killed them and ‘deaths’ would be if they died from like an illness or heart attack?
‘Casualty’: a person who is hurt or killed during an accident, war, etc.
‘Deaths’: the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.
A casualty is defined as any injury, regardless of severity, that makes a soldier unable to fight.
Technically speaking, if a person stubbed their toe hard enough and they lose their ability to walk for a while, they’d be considered a casualty.
I believe casualty refers to anyone injured enough in combat to not be sent back effectively killing them. While death refers to well yk being unalived. However, I could be wrong.
Aah got it, casualties include both injured and killed. Learning together even when we’re apart! Thanks