• 13 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 24, 2022


How is this making fun of it? I legit dont get it

Anyone got an idea of what this thing is? I belive its some kind of jammer, but what how does it work? Does it have a name or is it brand new? Ive never seen anything like it Only reported on telegram as: «A new Russian anti-UAV complex was spotted in Ukraine» Update: >Silok anti-drone station. 4km range, everything else is still classified >Silok C-UAS. ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/897268cb-a6c4-44a6-9bda-b16dae8daa5d.jpeg) ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/d5d2d573-16a0-44bf-a749-a42a2712bb8b.jpeg)

Yeah, even looks removed now, i cant find it. Its only a ‘Save Mariupol! Save Azovstal!’ one showing when i search ‘Azov’.

The Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon (NLAW) or the Next Generation Light Anti-Armour Weapon,[a] also known as the MBT LAW or the RB 57,[b] is a fire-and-forget, lightweight shoulder-fired, and disposable (single-use) line of sight (LOS) missile system, designed for infantry use.


🇷🇺 Russian units, including DNR and LNR formations, are increasingly using NLAW transport containers to dispose of waste that accumulates on the front lines. In this way the environment is preserved. Ecology.

Hilarious piece from Businessinsider telling the story of couple of guys going to Ukraine to fight with the foreign legion. They barely survived without beeing in any battle. Goes home. > 'I came to fight for Ukraine, not to die for Ukraine'

Oof, its bad.

At 21 years old, Samoylov, an officer from the Odessa military academy, finds himself managing 130 conscripts, often twice his age. “It’s my first war. I was supposed to graduate in four months, but they sent me here,” says the baby-faced officer with a short black beard.

More soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who made the right decision to save their lives. ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/07eb8059-9692-41a4-bf1c-a96d3cb830b6.jpeg) ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/a6a1297a-d12c-4b3e-82aa-c73e9245686e.jpeg) ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/fe360cf3-2dbe-46a7-8793-e672dec84b89.jpeg) ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/0a4632f1-ed37-41df-b9aa-1d2edf23fcec.jpeg) Source with vid: https://t.me/UkraineHumanRightsAbuses/3051

We have unironically been fighting in the NATO meme war all these years

Eeew, just learned about r/NATOWave on Reddit. Looks like the meme warfare is ramping up!

Thanks! I will watch and i hope i can understand something without subs

The DNA of the soul! Lol i had forgot that one, great clip

>Tomorrow's US military must approach warfighting with an alternate mindset that is prepared to leverage all elements of national power to influence the ideological spheres of future enemies by **engaging them with alternate means--memes--to gain advantage.** Defining memes. Memes are "units of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation," and as ideas become means to attack ideologies. Meme-warfare enters into the hotly contested battlefields inside the minds of our enemies and particularly inside the minds of the undecided. https://www.sto.nato.int/publications/Lists/National_Catalogues/DispForm.aspx?ID=2638

Maybe also the real creators of Montauk Monster 😄 Do you have a source for the viruses? Sounds like an interesting read when thinking of the bio labs Russia keeps talking about

All righty, Mr. Smarty Pants. It’s orange and small and white stripes

I agree somewhat, there is alot of connections in specific cases like nazi scientists going to nasa etc.

But its kind of vague to say that there was nazis who were different from the german nazis and call them ‘real hidden ones’ who ‘won ww2’. What do you mean by that? Any specifics?

Ukrainians surrendering near Donetsk in South East Ukraine as Russians keep advancing. The rest of the entrenched unit fled leaving their weapons behind. *"We heard the call to surrender and realised it was the best choice because we were abandoned at the position. People fled from all positions."* Vid: https://t.me/NewResistance/8055

Same time, Russia delivered 60 tons of humanitarian aid to Izyum, Kharkov region on Saturday.

The correspondent of the German Blaulicht Magazin filmed huge piles of humanitarian aid for Ukraine dumped on the Polish- Ukrainian border. The reason is bureaucratic hurdles. But the convoys with weapons are delivered non- stop without problems. The West brings death to Ukraine. Source, vid with eng subtitles: https://t.me/ZradaXXII/2149

Its a tactical surrender, they will blitzkrieg Moscow from behind the enemy lines

You do realize they elected a Jewish president, right?

And my best friend is black, so i cant possibly be racist.

Do you know that Zelenskyj has ordered the ukronazis to remove their weapons for years, but they didnt listen to him? Here is a leaked video from a meeting he had with them in ~2019. Starts at 14min 44sec. The video also continue with how Zelenskyj eventually came to support the war.

Zelenskyj was pretty much forced to merge Azov and Aidar with the official military, the Ukranian national guard after the Maidan because of their participation in it, but they always hated him. They did not listen to orders from Zelenskyj to stop shelling Donbas, they just intensified it.

Here is videos of Ukronazis using IEDs and shelling of civilians in DPR less than a week before the operation started:

School shelled

IED kills 3 civilians

All NSFL of course.

Azov and Aidar are more than just a few nazis. Ukraine are the only official military in the world to have openly fascist and neo-nazi battalions like them, and they count in thousands. You also have groups like right sector etc that are huge.

Doesn’t mean the general public supports them or that they have any political power.

Did you even check out one of the articles here?

Stalin is still celebrated


These are not legitimate reasons for destroying a country and it’s people.

Im not legitimizing shit, im just stating verifiable facts

bLuEpRiNt fOr GeNoCiDe

The article is bullshit fake news with direct ties to Ukranian goverment as i proved in the last post.

no nazis in Ukraine

Even the ukronazis makes fun of this statement: https://files.catbox.moe/tonipt.MOV

Look man, there is no easy way to say it but you have been bamboozled. You are not immune to western propaganda.

Nice bait! Your so called ‘Kremlin propaganda article’ is a readers post from Timofey Sergeytsev, a film producer and adviser to Victor Pinchuk, a Ukranian businessman and oligarch. Those words do not come from Kremlin at all. You didnt even post the article itself, you posted a pro western braindead take on whats said in article.

This is like taking something bat shit crazy from a Trump propagandist and posting it as ‘Washington propaganda article’.

I wont even dignify your questions with a proper response. Give me a source thats not linked to Ukranian oligarchs like fucking

Victor Pinchuk

Has been a member of the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, for two consecutive terms from 1998 to 2006

What is Verkhovna Rada?

Verkhovna Rada or just Rada is the unicameral parliament of Ukraine. Verkhovna Rada insignia:

Who is the largest group of the Verkhovna Rada?

Servant of the People (240)

what is Servant of the People?

Party of President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy

These are the guys you get your sources from. And you call me gullible lol… Damn was i right when i called you a projector.

What a load of bs…

Here is the quote from Vlad on what the objectives are;

«We will seek to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine and put to justice those that committed numerous bloody crimes against peaceful people, including Russian nationals.»

Where does it say anything about destroying identity? Atleast link the sources you claim to have

‘Murder, rape, pillaging and enslavement Golden Horde style’

*If these numbers are correct the Ukrainian Army is almost finished, no wonder the Western elites sound more and more hysterical. Information war won't be enough to cover the disaster very soon.* Source: https://t.me/rybar What do you think? Compared to Russian official numbers on equipment, they look similar ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/13ec5fc9-fd87-42e6-bcc6-256951a86b16.jpeg)

*‘Every day dozens of Ukrainian soldiers do the right thing and save their own lives surrendering.’* Full vid: https://files.catbox.moe/fqvxo2.MOV Source: https://t.me/UkraineHumanRightsAbuses/

**Britain says it will fly many refugees thousands of miles to the central African country for processing and resettlement, a significant hardening of migration policy.** What the actual fuck. Brits, what is going on? Link to articles: [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uks-johnson-seeks-put-fine-behind-him-with-immigration-plan-2022-04-13/) [The new York times](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/14/world/europe/uk-rwanda-asylum-seekers.html) [Abcnews](https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/uk-plan-send-asylum-seekers-rwanda-draws-criticism-84075683) [France24](https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20220414-british-plan-to-send-asylum-seekers-to-rwanda-deemed-inhumane-by-rights-groups)

Today is exactly 8 years of the event, which, without a doubt, shocked everyone. **300 residents of Zaporozhye stood for 6 hours inside a ring of raging fascists.** They were standing. They were pelted with eggs, bags of flour and milk, stones. They were required to remove the St. George ribbons and kneel. They demanded to sing the anthem of Ukraine and chant "patriotic" chants. Then they, unarmed, were taken in a police van to the nearest police station, where their names were written down, they were interrogated and fingerprinted. They [were detained], and not the "right-wingers", armed with bats, axes, knives, firecrackers and walkie-talkies, on which orders were given. ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/71679453-00d9-4269-843c-5adc46074706.jpeg) A world-famous snapshot was made by the Zaporozhye journalist Maxim Shcherbina on the Walk of Fame, not far from the city council building. Hundreds of anti-Maidan protesters held a rally there. ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/94959f9e-fcf0-4a86-8034-e1496559853f.jpeg)

Western media having a field day at Bucha