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Cake day: Mar 23, 2022


NATO is world’s largest white supremacist organization. If you really wanted to do damage to brown, black, Slavic and other people which would you choose? Some podunk neonazi group, the KKK, or NATO. Clearly the latter.

Worse because people will actually thank their bosses now for this. It’s sad how much Stockholm syndrome people have.

How many more brown people are going to be alive if that happened is immeasurable.

Charlie Wilson’s war part 2 is gonna suck even more.

It’s so funny how much you can get out of people by appealing to their narcissism. Europeans don’t really believe Ukrainians are one of them but they can’t see it

Even if he wanted to be, he couldn’t (he doesn’t want to be either)…the dismantling of the the Soviet state by liberal vultures was so effective that building up a socialist state would be a long painful process

In the US, depends on the color of the baby but a lot.

Liberals will cope by saying that “Ukraine was so brave and they held out for so long”

Yet they won’t extend the same praise to Houthis or Palestinians. Wonder why lol