fediverse enthusiast, lurker, lemmy.ca admin

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 18, 2021


same here. i think it was either reddit or hacker news where i read about it. i think i first created an account on lemmy.ml, then lemmy.ca, and now i’m running lemmy.ca!

i believe they typically run as a service on a computer, monitoring the subreddit via the reddit api, the when it finds new stuff, it posts it onto lemmy.

I think their doc’s are decent? and I could be wrong, and maybe it depends on the Linux distribution, but I’m just not 100% sure if it actually does anything without some basic configuration.

disable root login over ssh, and use public keys auth if possible.

fail2ban is good, but needs to be configured properly.

there’s probably lots more, but that’s a start.

since that community is on a different instance, you just need to copy & paste the community url, in this case, https://sopuli.xyz/c/sports, and paste it in the search bar at the top.

it should then give you a result with the link to the community for your instance (https://lemmy.ml/c/sports@sopuli.xyz), which you can then subscribe to using your lemmy.ml account.

hopefully that makes sense!

to search for comments you need to get the comment url, and remove the /post/##### part, so it’s basically just https://[lemmy instance]/comment/#####, and search for that.

i’m pretty sure searching for it does force it to be “fetched”. you can do the same with comments. but i don’t know why they’re not being federated automatically.

i’m seeing this on my instance as well. as of right now, for this post:

https://lemmy.ml/post/179265 - 5 comments
https://lemmy.ca/post/81014 - 2 comments

not sure if it’s related or not, but just going through my logs, i’m seeing a few warnings similar to this:

lemmy-lemmy-1  | 2022-02-23T09:59:53.127759Z  WARN Error encountered while processing the incoming HTTP request: lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Header is expired
lemmy-lemmy-1  |    0: lemmy_apub::http::receive_activity
lemmy-lemmy-1  |              at crates/apub/src/http/mod.rs:78
lemmy-lemmy-1  |    1: lemmy_apub::http::shared_inbox
lemmy-lemmy-1  |              at crates/apub/src/http/mod.rs:40
lemmy-lemmy-1  |    2: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request
lemmy-lemmy-1  |            with http.method=POST http.scheme="http" http.host=lemmy.ca http.target=/inbox otel.kind="server" request_id=c035e7c0-e8bd-4be0-8aad-34188ca2a875 http.status_code=400 otel.status_code="OK"

a few days ago i was having issues where no comments seemed to be coming over from other instances, but i realized that i forgot to setup time syncing on my server, so i’m guessing my server time was off by more than 10 seconds which was causes federation to not work, according to the docs. but since i got the time sync working, most comments seem to be working, but not all?