Death to America, its demise is inevitable

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 08, 2021


You need to manually set it up again

The instance admin needs to set it up, right? Tagging, as this seems quite important of an issue to address. Wouldn’t want the troll raids to happen again if all these instances are accidentally unblocked now.

What happened to blocked instances list?
Question prompted by the fact that I can see a post from exploding-heads dot com, an instance I thought both Lemmygrad and have blocked: ![]( So I check the allowed/blocked instances list to see whether it's still there, and the entire blocked list seems to be gone on both instances: ![]( ![](

The subtitles seem accurate, but honestly I don’t see where they derive “threatening NATO directly” from most of the clip. Clearly he’s saying that the war in Ukraine is a proxy war with the NATO (since NATO is sending their weapons and operatives); this will be an immense drain on NATO ressources and personnell, until there are none of them left.

I guess the end might imply that (“It seems that not ony Ukraine will have to be denazified” and the words after that), but it feels suspiciously like they cut off too soon, like they’re omitting some context…

If you got his full talk, I’ll gladly look into it and translate the relevant part.

Thank you for sharing, it was an interesting and well-spoken speech. I wonder who did 4 downvotes on this… 🤔

while Linux, China’s homebrew operating systems, and

Are you saying China developed their own operating systems not based on Linux? That sounds really interesting, can you tell more?