
a cool (brr) dude

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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: May 14, 2020


That channel had a similar back and forth with badempanada if anyone is curious. I don’t remember the exact details but the video was something about downplaying climate collapse so I think their source of funding is red herring because regardless of where it comes from, they push out ridiculously bourgeois propaganda.

Ukrainian officials previously disclosed that Willy Joseph Cancel, Jr., a 22-year-old ex-Marine from Kentucky, had died in late April.

Cancel culture is getting out of hand

Still he’s not blameless though. He is taking whatever orders he’s receiving from the neo Nazis and NATO in stride.

The massacre in Bucha is completely gone from media spotlight and general consciousness
NATO alleged that Russia messacred civilians in Bucha in cold blood. The images which served as evidence were pretty gut wrenching. You would expect that the media woild talk about it for more than two days but nope. You won't hear about it anywhere. Was there any investigation done into it?

I’m wondering if it was always this blatant. Dems are so feckless they have cranked “we have tried nothing and we are all out of ideas” to 11. What is the point of their existence then? The reigns of the party is in the hands of a couple of octogenarians as well. Feels rotten to the core.

I’m going to buy an EVM so I can vote everyday from my home

Someone is pocketing it one way or another. Only a miniscule amount will end up helping in the war.

Is it really a virtual cashier if it’s an actual person but just on a screen?

Seems like mainstream media is physically incapable of NOT advocating for giving more money to weapons manufacturers.

What is the meme they’re trying to capitalise on? This was thoroughly unfunny and the comments were even worse somehow.

Yeah their evidence is not very convincing unless someone can corroborate that the event where he was photographed took place on the day they claim it did and in Turkey like they say but I don’t know how to verify that. It’s especially dumb considering that this is pretty easy to refute but NATO have provided the minimum viable evidence.

Invent The Future: 12 - The United States and the Legacy of the Third Reich: Collaboration and Biological Warfare Post-WW2

Episode webpage

Media file

Listen to the latest episode of Invent the Future. It is not surprising at all.

Zelensky quotes in mainstream media are also sounding more and more unhinged by the day.

Not sure if they could brick. But it’s possible for them to render the OS installation unusable.

The problem is this: what kind of message does it send to their international market? Not a good one I suppose.

I don’t know anything about the political atmosphere within SK but it seems absolute nuts. Moon Jae In was a moderate who was the first president to honourably culminate his term. At the back of his term, there is this guy.

Yeah my bad. What you said sounds correct. I don’t know much about this topic.

There is a good chance this is real. But this is not something that is endemic to Russia.

On Thursday afternoon, 30 top TikTok stars gathered on a Zoom call to receive key information about the war unfolding in Ukraine. National Security Council staffers and White House press secretary Jen Psaki briefed the influencers about the United States’ strategic goals in the region and answered questions on distributing aid to Ukrainians, working with NATO and how the United States would react to a Russian use of nuclear weapons.

Literally any country will try to influence their influencers especially when it comes to a sensitive topic like war.

It is not clear whether Russia paid the content creators for this. I am pretty sure they didn’t because they don’t need to since they can stop influencers from making money if they don’t fall in line.

Have countries encouraged their citizens to die for Ukraine? I haven’t seen this yet.

You are just making vapid points without using any facts to support your argument. Thanks for wasting my time.

How is the war with Ukraine imperialist exactly? What is Russia going to gain out of this? And how do you weigh these imperialist ambitions against Ukraine arming Nazis, shelling Donbass, pushing for NATO membership, cutting off water supply to Crimea and other provocations?

The guy who just said “we will rule over Europe” in the video you linked? Is he a sincere spokesperson for Russian foreign policy?

Are you saying Russia’s war on Ukraine is an imperialist endeavour? That seems pretty wrong considering there are very important reasons including self-preservation that it can be attributed to. Territorial acquisition to enrich the Russian bourgeoisie seems to pretty far down the list.

The last post made in /r/VolunteersForUkraine was made 12 hours ago and is by (purportedly) a Foreign Legionnaire warning people to not travel to Ukraine only to turn into a bloody pulp
Foreign legions I feel are only a tiny part of the equation of the totality of the war and more of an online phenomenon but I wanted to talk about it anyway. It seems like many fascists from all over the world, even Brazil, have decided to congregate in the meat grinder that is the front line of Ukraine's resistance. Glorification of these volunteers is not limited to the reddit/twitter sphere. Some mainstream outlet published a report on how a Canadian sniper with the pseudonym Wali is travelling to help Ukraine. I am not sure how they were weighing the strength of their enemy but it seems like Russia has obliterated the training camp for these foreign volunteers. So they are completely outmatched. Some other comments in that subreddit were claiming that foreign volunteers were being asked to be cannon fodder. No idea how true that is but it fits into the big picture. It is a bit spine-tingling how willingly fascists around the world have decided to dump their lives down the gutter while there hadn't been a peep for all the NATO backed conflicts.

Man one time I tried to ask the seller on AliEx to urge President Xi to liberate my country but the message got blocked by the website’s filter for containing politics. Thought it would be a bit cringe to try and circumvent the filter so left it at that.

This episode of Rania Khalek’s Breakthrough News feat. Vijay Prashad is very good as well:

The only problem I have with Chinese non-Huawei phones is that they have a lot of ads. Many of them baked into the OS. When I get a phone next I’ll try getting a Chinese phone that has good lineageos support.