I tinker at programming and system administration. I also study history, philosophy, and language.

💬 - English, Esperanto

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2021


they feel that the happiness and freedom of one person isn’t very important.

Yes exactly.

In my experience with lifestyle changes, if i can’t identify the ways that the change noticably improves my life, i won’t be likely to stick with it. If your slouching isn’t causing you pain or problems, if your concern is mostly asthetic, you shouldn’t expect to adjust it because the problem is somewhat imaginary.

Of course prolonged bad posture causes problems, but if your not experiencing them yet subjectively, it might be hard to do much about it.

For my part i was having some pains and some issues, my postural corrections mostly had to do with labor, proper form when lifting, doing my best to have my keyboard at the proper angle to my wrists, etc. The benifits from these were more or less imediate and the result was a general improvement in posture overall.

So my advice is strive to be aware of your body, what it’s doing and how it’s reacting, both negative and positive.

As the gravity of how bad this looks for Russia sets in, I think the retreat will accelerate astonishingly.

I don’t understand the mechanisms by which this would take place, could you explain it to me? It’s not like the world hasn’t been killing putin in effigy, blaiming russia for every conceivable problem accross the world since the war started, and insinuating that their government are nazis, barbarians, demons, etc. Against that kind of ideation it seems to me like actual piles of dead bodies weight very little.

Aren’t most of the users from lemmygrad now? At any rate, for me lemmy feels like the best fit, there is no instance that better suits my interests, nor for my region.

My concern with nuclear power is that it seems to me that it is fundamentally incompatible with capitalism. You cannot cut corners when generating nuclear energy, the maintenance of facilities and proper storage of waste outweight the profit motive. The consequences of negligence seem significant. Though thats not to say oil is any different… but i fear the damage caused wont be so apparent to the layman.

When i was a kid i’d always hear that communism was when: what everyone had was the same, and was nothing. I’d always been confused by this because it seemed to me like that would give people a common incentive.

To the naive question of cost, i have told people that i’d gladly give the government my entire paycheck if they genuinely took care of all of my needs. I’m not much of a consumer and i never have been, and i’d likely have a much higher quality of living if that were the case.

Fortunately if you look at the real world nothing like that is necessary, any sort of actual socialist economy takes care of its own needs practically automatically. But I’d still do it, if it worked like that.

I sync backups, books, and DCIM, though the last is send only. I’m playing with the idea of syncing the better part of the user directory though…

Mixed Six. Six beers, six conversations. It’s often nerdy stuff, but not so nerdy as to put off normal people i think. It gets philosophical sometimes, thats when it’s at it’s best. I love it and i don’t even drink.