• 6 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 19, 2021

What are some good foreign sources for information you could find online?
I'm talking articles, studies, journals...etc. Doesn't matter if the language is spoken by a community of twelve people, all sorts of sciences and humanities, what online sources do you recommend? For my part, I can contribute with: https://www.persee.fr/collections (French) https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/ (Chinese, has some open access material) Edit: fixed the second link

But nobody was defending bigotry until the admin mentioned it, and the issued reason of the ban was malicious rather than truthful . Either way I still respect your opinion and this issue has passed a long time ago. But I mentioned this specific case to talk about a general issue, which is the predominant admin/mod bias when they enter into heated arguments. I already stated my suggestion above and would like admins to take it into consideration, regardless of whether this phenomenon is frequent or not. Thank you.

Thank you for responding.

here’s the comment of DPUGT responding to Dessalines about the paradox of tolerance.

not perfect but also not malicious

I believe that. And yes it should be addressed, especially when it comes to such matters.

I am not sure if we both have the same person in mind (for now I won’t reveal anyone’s name). I rechecked the post and reread it couple of times. I tried to check the modlog but the ban couldn’t be seen but this lerson is still labeled as “banned”. Couple of observations:

we sometimes leave rule breaking comments up if they have gotten a lot of responses

  • comments were not removed, the user was banned

repeatedly being disrespectful to… other users

  • said person was only debating with one other user, an admin specifically.

  • neither of them was being blatantly disrespectful, though their debate was surely heated.

-the modlog didn’t specify your stated reason.

the user wasn’t banned for having that belief

The modlog (now weirdly missing certain logs) stated that they were nazi a sympathizer, when in fact they were not (the admin was biased in my opinion and being maliciously rethorical with his replies)

Again, we could be talking about different people here, so if you need more information I will gladly serve you with that so you could check yourself. A counter-argument to what I’ve said could be that the user was banned for other comments he made on other posts but that could easily be refuted because: 1) No other comments of theirs gained so much attraction and controversy and 2) the modlog stated they were a “nazi sympathizer”.

Either way, my argument prevails concerning admin/mod bias, especially that the the user was banned by the same admin they were arguing with. That, I think, can lead to unjust consequences. A solution would be that another admin/mod be the one that decides in such cases.

To be fair, I have witnessed this politically motivated censorship once on this instance. Two users have criticised the paradox of tolerance from a philosophical aspect and rejected its abuse and the overuse of the “nazi example” by certain admins, who proceeded to shame them with long paragraphs and banned them, for being Nazi sympathizers? I personally think sometimes admins should avoid heated debates because it will most likely end up with someone abusing their powers for their own bias. Even though the sidebar precises that the largest lemmy instance is leftist, in fact it is more diverse and pluralist than that. This is something to think about.

Is there any FOSS translator that works offline on mobile?
It's crazy to me that I couldn't find a single translator that works offline on fdroid. How hard is it to implement such a feature? (Genuine question)

Philosophize This! by Stephen West, a podcast that vividly summarizes numerous philosophers’ works.

Edit: fixed typo

My second important browser question!!!
Thank you for your previous recommendations, I am using Iceraven for mobile and installed for it ublock origin and enabled strict enhanced tracking protection. However I was checking my browser fingerfrint and it says that I have cookies enabled and no adblock extension running. Is this normal?


It was a genuine question, I will be trying it anyways.

Wouldn’t be fair to judge this community based on reddit’s sub.