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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 26, 2021


Whonix is often a better choice, it has IMO the strongest protection against leaking data out via clearnet and really forces everything through tor. Theoretically, even malware on the whonix workstation VM can’t figure out your IP address.

I know this works for lots of people but cold oats + milk is disgusting to me. Just microwave it and oatmeal! Will also be easier to digest the oats…

I’m simply responding to the comment which called “gravity batteries” bullshit.

I agree by and large, but pumped hydro storage is a tried and true technology which has already proven its worth.

There’s literally a war happening right now. Are you not at least a little bit glad that the US spends more on its military than Russia does?

A while back Microsoft sent Russia the full Windows source code, per their government’s request. (I doubt they licensed them to do anything with said source code, but Putin won’t care).

This doesn’t even agree with the table at the link. For example, Konsole supports changing foreground color.

Regardless of the distribution he uses, he would have lots of complaints. It’s the bitter truth. Audio problems, support for special gaming hardware, glitches with proprietary apps like Discord and Teams, are common across distros.

I don’t think digitalocean forces you to use cloudflare.

This is hardly a breaking issue, since all the javascript is in fact free and open source, you just need to put an exception in your browser settings.