• 1 Post
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Mar 10, 2020


Direct deposit my rent money into a rent only bank account with autopay. I never think about it, rent is just paid.

Proprietary servers. The only place you can get snaps is from Snapcraft.

What makes you think that using Lemmy is only about unconditional free speech? That is a weird assumption to make.

Honestly I don’t really see a need to replace Reddit. This conversation always comes up and open source alternatives. Mastodon was never designed to replace Twitter. It was simply to be an alternative. Linux was never designed to replace windows, etc…

I sync my music folder, my documents, my password database, and my photos. Just those 4 folders.

We need to stop being angry that people choose a lifestyle that’s different from our own. People who choose to be homeless are a fraction of a fraction. Let them.

I use steamlink and tc. Both are CLI based and very light weight.

NewPipe does a great job. It uses YouTube’s library which includes YouTube music.

Lemur is a bit more mature at this point. Still excited to see this grow.

sudo apt install default-jdk

Then you can execute your jar file. 🤣

Your response was far more accurate that I could do. 👍

That’s correct. Flatpak is the present. It’s happening right now.