
Ask me about the garden!

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Apr 02, 2022


Honestly at this point the two sites are different enough that they both provide value and I would recommend everyone check out both.

Was a big fan of privacytools.io back in the day and when they switched to privacyguides.org the one thing that irked me was how much content was removed. Knowing what is out there to use and if it’s even good is a big problem in this space because of all the projects that rise and fail.

You watch your mouth or I’ll start putting spaces in all my passwords! Lazy admins of the world will fear me!

I’ll do some more testing and get back ya on this maybe I’m jumping the gun.

my posts is also confusing because I crossposted it, this happened on lemmy.ca but I believe it’s happened elsewhere just not confirmed.

When were those added?

Password Length Seemingly Not Enforced On Account Creation
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/107103 > May have just found out why I've historically had issues logging into my Lemmy accounts. > > I was able to create my account fine using a password 65-ish characters in length using letters, numbers and special characters. Then immediately I couldn't login! I use a passwords vault to create/save my accounts fully before I enter my details into the site so the details are correct. > > Upon resetting my password and trying a new one with the same parameters I was advised my password was too long (60 max I think it said?). I moved it to 58 characters and also removed special characters then I was able to login fine. > > This may have been going on for sometime and across other instances because I was having lots of issues making lemmy accounts before on lemmy.ml. > > Anyone else run into this?

Is there potential to introduce security concerns following this guide that you’re aware of?

People love to be temporarily outraged and especially love to enable others to be outraged on their behalf, if you make authority the target then it becomes a dogpile. Same powerful feeling with half the effort. Outsource your outrage today!

Also if you ask me, r/place is all about humans working together to create and all the politics that come along with such an endeavor. The creations are awesome but the politics, discussion and reasonings that happen to take us to that point are the REAL entertainment. If this is what will happen every year then I’m here for it, let’s kick back and watch the fireworks.

Which is fair because the mod team should be operating as a whole unit in the end anyways.