• 6 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 13, 2021

Anyone know if a self-hosted VPN is 100% secure?

I use Firefox and I just do a Ctrl+mouseScrollUp or ctrl+= and it remembers the zoom for that website.

Can’t, but it was a big image of a creature or mascot with a big Ukrinian flag. Maybe someone here can add to what I saw.

You should easily be able to download the .zip file to get the files inside: There are 6 main folders and most of the files are .rtf, and .png, but there is a .pdf in there, too. I say this because .rtf cannot hide macros so should be safe to open. I think image, .docx, and .pdf files can hide worms/viruses. so try to not open that those --unless the other files are just too real to be considered a trojan horse. A guy just told me this might be safer than converting it on my own PC; Aspose Words Free Apps (https://products.aspose.app/words/viewer/rtf) Free Online RTF Reader/Viewer Online RTF Reader. Open, read, convert RTF documents for free.

I’ve switched temporarily to Brave now, but since Brave browser is pushing the "support Ukraine’ narrative, I’d guess they, too, could filter results. Most search engines use Google. Any tips on search engines not using Google?

Any one tried the site Reclaim the Net?
There's a $60 lifetime membership fee, so I am reluctant to try it. Was hoping for reviews and to know more about their content - besides what the cover page shows. It looks like what i could find elsewhere.

WION is far more trustworthy than most MSM. However, still follow the rule of: Quesion Everything.

protonmail mail is very good, but if you plan to break a federal law, protonmail will give your emails and date to the feds. The more private email is tutanota, however, it is harder to use.
You can set up a free account on either one. Tutanota also has an ugly, but easy calendar that you can use to send reminders to you. For about 2 months I used it - until I got Nextcloud and synced that with a calendar. I think you can use gpg to encrypt an attached file to send in an email, too. I recently tested it out a tiny bit - not enough, though. I am not recommending gpg, though, as I am not sure it is the best kind. it was quick and easy for me on Linux and that was the ONLY reason I chose gpg encryption. I don’t think I needed a phone number for tutanota or protonmail. Another option for less private things is the Russian-based Google-like alternative called yandex. I needed no phone number (just select SKIP) to get an email, it comes with 10GB of drive/disk space, is free. But, because they allow you to use their version of Microsoft Suite, I’d guess they have a close relationship with the USA, so I wouldn’t advice using it for anything extremely private. It still is better than gmail, in my opinion, and you may be able to use it just once as a disposable account. You can use Talkatone for free phone calls, but it doesn’t work very well sometimes. I needed an email account. I may’ve used yandex for that. idk.

oh. I wrongly assumed that because it encrypted my entire flash drive that it would encrypt other drives.

I’ve never seen a FOSS forum with any hate speech - no even on ruqqus, which had loads of jerks.

I do not like religion at all, because I am an atheist,female, and love animals and freedom: so I think they offend me more than vice-versa. If i went around saying I was in a group that revolted around a book that advocated violence, lying, stealing/invading, murder, rape, slavery, pedaphelia, and sexism (for fun, lets pretend its a rightwing book), i bet people would hate me. Why is it okay under the umbrella of religion? because its old? Is it only Jews and Islamists who are protected?
I recently saw a video of a small segment of Hindus drinking cow piss for their health. If I drank cow piss (or my own piss) in public like they did, would I be excused without using religion as an excuse? Who says who is excused and why? Who is the arbiter of truth and justice? In some nonAbrahamic relgions, animals are still sacrificed in public. Are those religions exempt from your scrutiny, because they are a religion? And, how old does a religion have to be to be beyond criticism? Is Scientology too young?

You want your own safe space, but I bet you think a man built like a linebacker should be able to use the ladies room as long as he is dressed like a female. But, wait - some women dress like men, so that gets confusing. Sometimes I dress like a man. Do I get to use the men’s room when i am dressed like a man when there is a mile-long line to the women’s room? Who gets to jedge whether my clothes are male enough, though? Must my hair also be male? But, what if I am gender-fluid and want to keep my hair longer for tomorrow when i’ll be female again? Some biological men wear their hair long, though, and wear earrings. So, where is the rule book that designates all of this?

Do you see my point?

you must’ve downloaded the wrong VeraCrypt pogram. Download one for your Linux system after deleting the one you have now.

I am vegan and must hope any lessening of suffering happens. I hate hunting, but know that a dairy cow is far more likely to suffer far more than a deer a hunter shot. I’d be willing to negotiate if I knew i could lessen the problem. Case by case, of course. All-or-nothing might make the individual feel holier-than-thou, but the problem is just as bad as before. Idealism is not the same as realism. I’d argue that both can be done - diminish a problem by offering some solutions, but go right back by trying to eliminate that problem.

If the Freedom Convoy truckers could raise $10 million to keep their rights, seems like a browser could. The things a browser and search engine know about you is …well, almost everything. I think many of us would lay down and die if all of our history was made public. I would. Some people would be willing to pay large sums in blackmail money to keep it private.

Curious, if every user paid a browser $5 a year for a subscription and every search engine $5 a year, would tht cover costs and allow for a small profit? I realize that depends on how many users there are, but seems like if we can put a pigs heart in a human and have the human live (poor, poor pig) and have a human walk on the moon that we’s be able to find a private way for the individual to browse the internet.

We all deserve a salary for our work. But, what about profit? Are there shareholders, angel investors - how does the profit aspect of a browser or search engine work?

Could users buy early shares to later be paid back with future users’ payments? The browser would have to accept anonymous users/payments - such as money orders or the equivalent, I think.

I thnk definitions/words matter a lot. The original meaning of capitalism was to own capital - any one. Owning a home or a small business is owning capital. I suppose owning stocks, bonds, or crypto may also fall under that category. The modern definition of the word seems to be BigBiz and/or conglomerate. I despise those and do not consider those capitalist. If we cannot agree on defintions, that confuses things. I am very well aware that money and power is being consolidated. I used to pass around those charts showing that and other charts showing what conglomerates own now (there are about 5 who own most brands, services, media, banks, etc). I call that fascism because anti-monopoly laws, anti-trust laws have not been enforced by government and BigBiz is now in a loose parnerships of sorts with government. They may not be the same, but they are danged-near twins or kissing-cousins. When BigBiz works closely with government that can be called an oligarchy or fascism. I’d guess I am leaving out various other terminology such as mixed economy. I just watched the video and was relieved that he agreed that not agreeing on definitions confuses conversation. But, he made it seem too clear cut - as though only social or capitalism existed. Nothng is that neat or all-or-nothing. the IMF, central banks, and WEF bait the common citizen with concepts about Utopia and equality (which are good to an extent), but are about their own gain and nothing more. They are FASCISTs who pander to the patriotism of the Right and the egalitarianism of the Left. Both are ways to manipulate people and tell them they are worth either the same as others or even more than others. I oost my home, but when I owned it, I was a capitalist. If I owned my own tiny bakery, that, too, would make me a captialist because I thought I had the right to own capital. That cabal of thugs called central bankers are above the right or left wing concept and use it to their benefit. Yes, they want money, but they also want 95% of the population to be EQUAL (equal outcomes, not equal opportunity…equally poor and powerless. They bait us - show us what we want, tell us we are good little boys and girls for wanting that and that they’ll help us get it. But, they trick us and lie, cheat, and steal. Wanting to be rich and powerful for yourself while not allowing others to own capital or speak freely is not capitalism. It is assholery. Not saying wikipedia is always right, but this is close enough this time: Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership and control of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system determined by supply and demand, private property, property rights recognition, voluntary exchange, and wage labor.

No where does it say government showing favoritism to FB or Google in exchange for forking over our private data. Nowhere does it say forgiveness of taxes to Amazon or government contracts to this or that company in exchange for major campaign donations and for hiring your brother as vice-CEO. Perhaps CRONY-captialism is closer to what you mean? Crony-capitalism is unethical.

less censorship. less “that’s not okay here”. less throwing around of sentences or words that are meant to silence you (as though by silencing you, that changes you!). Smacking people over the head with your “truth” works for some, but makes enemies of others. Libertarians usually don’t do that. They discuss things and each of us learns or understands better - even if we don’t change our minds, we don’t shut down conversation and can become more tolerant because now we understand how the other feels or thinks without the drama of name-calling, crying/shouting, shunning/shame…those are manipulative tactics that insult one’s intelligence. There has been a feeling on most social media that what I say is being logged to be used against me for the cancel-culture to use and/or that I cannot speak freely. I’ve almost given up on social media…or, on humans. Lemmy.ml isn’t so far left that I cannot handle it, but I really like open dialogue and think I am open-minded enough to learn from it - if it is presented in a logical, precise, timely (blunt, short) manner.

I read part of it.

they used tiny font and overly-large margins

you stole my answer! NTF charges you for items of no value. FOSS usually charges nothing for items of high value.

hmmm, good idea. a libertarian instance might be nice. I dislike left and right equally. Both are too demanding and intrusive. i’ll let the right do thier own thing without me.

I like the EFF - what I know, at least. I am against the fascism of BigTech and that is what I hear you describing - though I am no political expert or tech graduate. I’ve seen how they try to replace developers with immigrants from India and China - who they also take advantage of. I think most people think of Big Biz when they think of capitalism, but in my mnd, it is a world mostly full of small businesses and mostly devoid of businesses with over 100 employees. Government is supposed to be objective about business, but is sadly very involved (in backroom deals, I’d bet). Again, I don’t know the more precice lingo. I only know that what I see scares me - that all of those chances our grandparents had to get ahead are going away. I am not sure about Elon Musk yet. It is terrifying to think that he could corner the internet market with satellite, though. I worry about AWS/Amazon cornering the server market and thus having the power to censor us. Satellite internet seems far more powerful than that. I’ve never met a white supremacist Libertarian online and have met almost no Libertarians at all in person. I was put off by a couple misogynists, but think those were broken-hearted lonely men who just needed to rant a while - even if it did hurt the women in the group. Libertarians are very, very independent types and will always be too split to go too far. I feel the same about the FOSS community. They simply don’t work too well with others and that makes it hard to get ahead sometimes. They don’t want to dominate (usually), but don’t always want to cooperate, negotiate, or compromise. I don’t know who AOC is.

I left Spotify because of censorship already, but still hate how they are treating Joe Rogan - though I never watch his show.

I think the lines are quite blurred about who or which co. is capitalist or just opportunist or leftist. I prefer tthe term fascist for co. such as Amazon, Facebook, and Google. If you get help or forgiveness from the gov’t, that is fascism and I hate it. It is tyranny and deprives others of a fair chance to compete. I realize there many shades of grey and I thought Trump was a moderate Republican (he used to be a Democrat) and that many Democrats can be as greedy as any Republican. The Left is cancel-culture and gets people fired or not promoted- people who aren’t always celebs. They censor people. Its a modern-day witch burning or Maoist weeding out of anyone would disagrees. I think of Biden as Left, but what degree is he? idk. He’s nothing but a figurehead like most presidents are. I think the Left would be largely without power if the Right wouldn’t be so domineering…and, vice versa. Its like being kids and watching your parents have a big fight that continues to escalate to the point of insanity - each trying to out-maneveur or out-do the other. The kids just stand by cringing, thinking, “holy shit, I have the DNA of both of those lunatics”. You both hate them and begin to hate yourself for being a reluctant passive party to it. But, I also think conglomerates and other BIGGG players (central banks, IMF, WEF) are controlling or heavily influencing the left and right. They bait the Left and Right and the fools take the bait. They divide and conquer and are a bit outside of that Left or Right box.
I think that group is the one with drones, and the ones who orchestrate those wars. i fear another war within the next 5 years - maybe including Russia, Ukraine, and the Middle East. I suppose we ‘need’ more oil, so need that land access to where the oil pipelines will go. I say “need”. because most Americans have far too much crap already.

I certainly think everyone should have a safe space, but that it needs to be a smaller, more intimiate space - such as a friend’s house would be or a private group within a social network. I hate hearing negative talk about women, yet still think incels and misogynists should have a right to their own group. Sometimes all people want is to talk out their frustrations and not act them out. Sometimes once they get that off their chest, they chill out a little bit. I’ve never been on Parler and fear the tyranny of “the Left” as much as that of “the Right”. Quite frankly, i feel squeezed uncomfortably by both sides and not allowed to be independent-minded. Call me sexist, but women seem the worst about social bullying. I guess they need larger goals in life so that they are more occupied with their own danged business to mind mine. I think we need to allow polite open discussion and not be so quick to shout someone down. Our react might be more productive if we handled it by rational discussion rather than by emotional outbursts. I don’t feel at home in a Conservative Atheist group, either - tried that and didn’t like it. But, I cannot ask others to change for me - and, can only hope they don’t expect me to change for them. I refused to change for my own family and have mostly disowned them. Why some ‘offended’ person thinks they can change me, idk why. I don’t play that shame-game. Perhaps more middle-of-the-road or Libertarian-minded people simply need to learn tech more and start their own groups so that Left and Right don’t continue to squeeze them out.

Minds is a bit FB-like. I used them for years at a time when they had encryption as somewhat of a default (though it was confusing). I quit over 6 months ago when they changed. I might go back because I’d like to join some protest movements. I’d like to see a breakdown of what servers this social media sites are using so that censoring server co.s such as AWS/Amazon can’t pull the plug on them like was done with Parler. I love Lemmy’s large ratio of tech-savvy people, but it is certainly left-leaning and not very tolerant of other voices. I am bisexual, atheist, vegan, female, a minimalist, tree-hugger, often date outside of my race, but Lemmy members still call me a rightwinger and try to throw me out of this or that group. We need a chart outlining servers, general politcal stance, who runs it (how much it is controlled and how), if a phone number is needed and what kind of phn # is accepted, if IP is necessary, etc. These details are extremely important. EX: without ever signing in, Google/YT knows I am using TOR (and may give an error message to say as much) and also knows my IP or IMEI or possibly my mac address - some identifying fingerprint - not sure which. Also, knowing what type of encryption is avialable and if by default would help. I’ve seen a decent chart somewhere with some of that, but it needed to be more indepth.

wouldn’t using tty with tmux and a few other apps within it be less visually jolting? I love color and design, but must admit my terminal calms me a bit.

not a bad idea. Kali, from what I recall, has a much prettier UI though. You can use a solid wallpaper, of course, or make your own wallpaper with things you need to remember listed. your apps will cover it up, but ctrl+alt+d will get you desktop. I have Debian with KDE, too, because it is easier than most others to add and delete sutff. KDE is very bloated, so you’ll need to delete a lot of stuff. I really love AntiX (Debian-bsed, but a bit harder since it has a separate repository) and it is so light that it still works well on a cheap 2.0 flahs drive. there are even lighter version (core, I think), but those take a lot more work to set up. Test out a few on flashdrives with persistence set up - before installing on a hard drive. The guy who mentioned terminal was right, though. More and more, I am finding terminal (for some things) better. I use a separate work space just for tmux and use mpv --no-video for music to drown out roommates, ranger in a few panes with micro editor customized, htop to close mpv when it misbehaves… There seem to be many autistic computerphiles, so you might also ask in their forums.

How to install new Debian with xfwm?
Do i simply install on top of a Debian server OS? Which .iso do I download/install? I think even XFCE is rather bloated and have Debian XFCE on 2 other drives already, so will test out Debian stable nonfree with xfwm standalone. I have the names of the top 5 packages to add and will worry about the rest later. I am in no hurry to get this perfect yet. But, I would like to install the fundamentals tomorrow.