Citizen of Earth

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 02, 2021


DuckDuckGo has privacy already setup, vs Fennec/Firefox can do the same but you need to do your own research to know what Add Ons will make them as good as DuckDuckGo. Also keep in mind that Fennec is Open Source which is a good place to start. The do some searches to see what AddOns will that it up to DuckDuckGo level. Plus DuckDuckGo is an AddOn fro Fennec and that might bring it all together. I use Fennec and FireFox because I love the way it handles passwords and everything can be Synced between Fennec for Android and FireFox for PC. If your serious about privacy get free or premium ProtonMail which has Calendar, Contacts, Drive Beta, all encrypted, plus free or premium ProtonVPN, also free and open source encrypted messaging is Silence, built with same security as Signal but without all the silly stuff that Signal is going to. Also another Open Source on droid to replace android, is Simple Mobile which has a suite of de- googled apps such as, well, everything basic phone function. Camera, notes, photo editor, their website highlights all their de-googled apps.

I call this Velvet Colonialism, Rather than brute force military invasion. The tacit’s of the School of the America’s in Georgia, USA are used to topple elected officials, insert puppets to rule. Etc…

The new great potus biden has killed for us, we can now accept him as our leader. thank-you oh new potus biden for being instrumental in killing more families with the usa acceptable deaths.

I use ProtonMail, Calendar, Contacts, Drive (beta), VPN, they have a free version of everything for casual users and paid for heavy users. ProtonVPN is located on fdroid and ProtonMail includes everything else. There are Apps for iPhone and Android plus can be browser accessed. Everything is locked down and encrypted. Drive is a work in process.

Signal only works through Google Services?? I’d rather use Silence.

Its looks more like an invasion by the West to take over oil industry. USA says: Oh, by the way, you can pay for our help that you didn’t ask for by giving us full control over oil revenues.

It’s not that they don’t see it, it just that US controls Everything, you either play along or get crushed like, Iraq, Cuba, Haiti, Syria, etc. South America doesn’t shyt unless US approves. ( School of the America’s)

GrapheneOS is the best as it severely degoggles and is best at security and privacy. It only uses Google Pixel phones that are not sold through carriers. LineageOS degoogles but is lax on security, especially that it doesn’t lock boot. It is an oxymoron to say you want to degoogle and than add microG. With GrapheneOS you’ll start with just the basic phone functions and they are all secured, from there you can go to Fdroid and download more and I suggest looking at Simple Mobile suite of apps in fdroid. OsmAnd~ is an actual fdroid open source turn by turn map/guidance app.