Overall everyone here is great ♥️

I’ve only spoken to like 2 people from https://beehaw.org/ and https://mander.xyz and they were nice lol, so those are my fav users.

I’ve seen 1 or 2 posts where people are worried about the future of lemmy in terms of gaining new users. I think they were probably worried about not nice people joining. Which actually could be problem. Like the fact that there are only like what, 200 active users means everyone sorta knows each other which does encourage getting along. Rather than reddit where if you get into an internet slap fight with someone, odds are they won’t remember you next week.

A loosely moderated place to ask open ended questions

If your post is

  1. Open ended
  2. Not offensive
  3. Not regarding lemmy support (c/lemmy_support)
  4. not ad nauseam inducing (please make sure its a question that would be new to most members)

it’s welcome here!

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