Vladimir Putin has launched his invasion of Ukraine, seemingly expecting that his forces can subdue Ukrainian resistance. But the attack could severely destabilize his regime — with Russians already showing a notable lack of enthusiasm for war.
Now, I suppose it could be higher now. I already had no idea why russians seem to support Putin as much as they do for 22 years, so I don’t claim to know how their minds operate.
Gun referred to this https://theconversation.com/putins-public-approval-is-soaring-during-the-russia-ukraine-crisis-but-its-unlikely-to-last-177302 which refers to https://www.levada.ru/2022/02/04/odobrenie-institutov-polozhenie-del-v-strane-doverie-politikam/ which shows that Putin’s approval rating was 69% in January 2022.
Now, I suppose it could be higher now. I already had no idea why russians seem to support Putin as much as they do for 22 years, so I don’t claim to know how their minds operate.
Fair enough, I’ll correct it