My comrade in Lenin! You just said “sex is bad”! How the fuck can someone interpret this except “sex is bad” when I’m referring you textually?

It’s was not anticommunist propaganda when the Chinese themselves refer to that time as a bad decade where they are very critical of what happened, and even I knew about this from a Chinese communist that was against death penalty, for fuck’s sake. And look, I know this loos like some sort of slippery slope, but that continuous propagation of calling everyone that defends that sex is not inherently bad, it’s just sex, and compare it to being “pro porn” and a “sex pest” is fucking borderline puritanical nonsense! I remind you, you said “sex is bad” which almost looked like you said it was sinful and still won’t be able to see how simmilar it is to puritanism?

Look. The sex is bad in my initial post was said jokingly. It was a meme if you will. A call-back to the volcel police meme, the Maoist position paper on consent under capitalism, AKA “All Sex is Rape” paper. I didn’t mean it literally. But I am for shutting down people getting horny online in left-spaces.

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