A community discussing nuclear power, including fission and fusion. The goal is to talk about generated nuclear power, so avoid simply talking about stars or something unless it is relevant.
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lemmy.ml’s code of conduct
My concern with nuclear power is that it seems to me that it is fundamentally incompatible with capitalism. You cannot cut corners when generating nuclear energy, the maintenance of facilities and proper storage of waste outweight the profit motive. The consequences of negligence seem significant. Though thats not to say oil is any different… but i fear the damage caused wont be so apparent to the layman.
Agree, the danger of cutting corners for profit gets is as high as it gets when it comes to something like nuclear power.
This is true, unfettered capitalism is likely to lead to safety standards being compromised and further accidents. I do not think that is reason to stop pursuing it as a solution. Capitalism is also a tool to improve nuclear power, making it vastly cheaper, safer and more efficient.