What is the point of these forums if you’re banned for using it?
From the modlog: admin Banned @Julianus reason: 3 week timeout for more constant bickering expires: in 21d
There are admins with clear political bias and they are using their powers to suppress opinions they don’t like. This isn’t a ban for violating rules… but simply replying to their posts. What gives?
A loosely moderated place to ask open ended questions
If your post is
it’s welcome here!
Because it’s made for the people who don’t get banned.
If you get banned, it’s usually a pretty big hint that this community isn’t for you, and to evade is only wasting your own time in the end.
lemmy.ml openly, explicitly has a political bias. This isn’t a free-speech extremist place, and people here enjoy that fact. We don’t want to see the same tired derails every day, we would go somewhere else for that.