Otaku, gamer, self-taught programming student and professional procrastinator from Brazil. In fact, I am procrastinating at this very moment. I love boomer shooters too.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 06, 2021

Should private platforms engage in censorship?
Great read by Drew DeVault on a very relevant topic these days.

Google has been DDoSing SourceHut for over a year
Is anyone surprised Google doesn't even try to fix issues that are damaging its users?

You’re absolutely right.

I do agree that the vast majority of distributions made for daily use uses the GNU Core Utils (hard to use most popular software without glibc).

But I’d like to remember that there are more than a handful of Linux distributions we use everyday while forgetting they don’t use GNU Software at all.

Take for example Android or distributions used in server/embedded systems like Alpine Linux. The kernel and the Unix-like environment is the core reason people remember them as Linux and not Bionic, BusyBox or musl.

You are still completely right when talking about casual desktop Linux, which the majority of discussions about “Linux” focuses on.

Damn, I want GNU Hurd to be s table soon so I could flex about my GNU system.

Perhaps we could create a c/GNU community?

FOSS GIF search engine
Is there any FOSS alternative to something like Giphy or Tenor? Or even a keyboard that embeds a GIF search engine? I tried looking on alternativeto.net, but it doesn't seem to have any FOSS alternative. If it doesn't exists, I'd say it's time to make one!

Seems like an awesome and useful idea! Have not heard of any project of the kind. Would surely love to contribute if you start