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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 16, 2022


Seed your torrents til they hit a “ratio” (how much you’ve downloaded to how much you’ve shared to other people) of at least 1, fuck the copyright cops, practice actually existing digital communism

If you block a community from your profile, it won’t show up on “All” either

If they’re both on the same network, Snapdrop is pretty good https://snapdrop.net/

There’s an android app but it works fine in a browser.

When I first joined mastodon, I was on mastodon.social - I wasn’t used to twitter enough for mastodon to feel familiar, having to research and pick an instance seemed like an extra stress, and I appreciated having a “default” option.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Lemmy.ml stays relatively big for a while, but I do see a lot of new instances starting and I’m optimistic the network will become more diverse.

Why do you think Microsoft not investing in a place would hurt people there?

The company has a history of monopolistic anti-consumer practices (as decided by the US supreme court in 2001 and by the european commission in 2004, and they’re facing another complaint now), anti-worker cartel behaviour (settled charges in 2010, more charges in 2013, and a lawsuit in 2015 was dropped because of timing), and directly attacking public interest technology like open source (a small selection of examples).

be me, jon ungoed-thomas, guardian journalist

friendly spook who always gives me great scoops

“hey j-u-t we banned a dozen media groups, wanna write about how amazing we are?”

“why’d you ban them?”

“run by russian intelligence?”

“who says?”

“UK and US intelligence”

“can I see any proof?”


West hits Vladimir Putin’s fake news factories with wave of sanctions


You might have found it already, but wolfballs.com seems like it might have the kind of rules you want (although look at their modlog and decide for yourself 🙃). Neither Lemmy.ml nor Lemmygrad.ml federate with, but it’s listed on https://join-lemmy.org, and one of the Lemmy authors said in Matrix chat:

The purpose of the joinlemmy instance list is for people to find instances they may like. Not for us to decide which instances are “good” or “official”

Maybe that’s reassuring to you that the network makes space for that kind of instance, even if the “official” instances have a different approach to community guidelines.

I appreciate you explaining, it doesn’t sound idiotic, I think we have different ideas about what makes a positive community, and I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re saying.

Would you be OK with seeing these things, which I don’t think would be “calling for direct physical harm” to anyone, on a Lemmy instance?

  • Posting someone’s legal name, home address, government ID number
  • Calling for a person to be hacked, harassed online or in person, or for someone to steal their bike/car/pet, or kill their pet
  • Child porn, revenge porn (nonconsensually posting private nude pictures), edited / deepfake porn
  • Copyrighted movies, music and TV
  • Classified government documents

If you’re OK with these kinds of posts, then I can see what you mean about only having one rule; I feel like a site like that would be under constant legal threats, and I think it would be pretty toxic, but I’d be interested to hear how it goes.

If you wouldn’t be OK with them, is that because of legal stuff, or you morally disagreeing with it?

If a site follows the law, then you’ve got to ban holocaust denial (Germany), “hate speech” (UK and France), blasphemy against god or the monarch (Saudi Arabia, Thailand), leaking government secrets (US, UK), piracy (basically everywhere), harassment (a bunch of places), revenge porn (US, UK), child porn (basically everywhere)… the list goes on.

And if you have a moral problem with any of the above… what would you add to your free speech policy to make those exceptions?

What kinds of things would you want to be different in a system “embracing the strengths of decentralization”?

You’re saying you don’t want to add metrics just to have a dick-swinging contest with Reddit’s fake numbers? Confusing 😂

Oh good point, Reddit are almost definitely including people who just vote, and probably people who just view 🤦 Is it easy to get “unique ‘people’ who looked at it” numbers off Lemmy instances, to make a fairer comparison? (Not optimistic that Viacom will be releasing numbers of how many humans they think are actually using Reddit any time soon…)

Looks like there are about 500 monthly users across the main instances https://join-lemmy.org/instances

Reddit has about 430 million monthly users as of October last year.

If it needs a network effect of about 1% for people to ditch Reddit for Lemmy (like it did for Myspace → Facebook), that means we need about 4.3 million… so about 4,299,500 more. Better get working on some outreach 😉

I think the Lemmy authors run both lemmy.ml and lemmygrad.ml, so What is lemmy.ml might be helpful to you.

Also the default Code of Conduct in the Lemmy documentation.

I can’t speak for the creators, but it seems it’s more important to them to have an inclusive community than to protect “free speech”. Looking at the “free speech” Lemmy and Mastodon / Pleroma instances out there, I think they made the right call…

Those are the only two items on the website when you search for blackface, it’s hardly a widespread problem.

It’s not "widespread’, sure, it also seems like something they could easily have a search alert set up for.

The child did not die in an Alibaba factory but in a seller’s that sells on the platform, as alibaba and aliexpress are just marketplaces.

That’s my bad, it wasn’t Aliaba-owned. However from the original source:

According to reports, Zhiya has been approved as a “Quality Supplier” for Alibaba since 2012. Likewise, their factory also received the rigorous, on-site factory inspection from Alibaba Taofactory which verified “its trust based on the inspection carried out by the authoritative SGS organization”

https://web.archive.org/web/20210411215144/http://www.chinalaborwatch.org/newscast/601 (and yes I am noticing these domain names are getting more and more sus… 😬)

Nobody is saying China is a worker’s utopia.

I was talking about the Alibaba ecosystem, not China. I don’t really know what workers’ rights are like there compared to other places.

[Fairmondo is] Only available in Germany though.

The model seems like it could be replicated, there are a bunch of platform co-ops elsewhere. And they say they’re working on opening in other places themselves:

We are now working on internationalisation. If you want to be updated on the progress, or if you have suggestions or want to get involved, please send an email to: global@fairmondo.com

Consumers are not responsible for climate change

Alibaba isn’t a consumer in this situation though? It’s their choice whether to keep selling disposable stuff or not.

The only way to stop the climate crisis is revolution, but until then there will be online retailers, there will be giants, and there will be labour exploitation.

Agreed. In that mean-time, I don’t think there’s much to be gained supporting one damaging empire over another.

To be clear, I hope places just cut straight to Linux, I’m saying it seems likely there’ll be a transition period. It still takes time to retrain on a different word processor or spreadsheet software, especially if you’ve been using Microsoft’s 20+ hours a week.

1. Run an instance of BirdsiteLIVE, or use the (overloaded 😅) public server https://beta.birdsite.live/ 2. Put in a Twitter username 3. Find and follow the generated account, from your Mastodon (or other) client 4. Twitter posts show up in your timeline 🤯