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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 21, 2021


Never have i ever in extremely limited set of people that I have came across, heard someone say they ‘use’ cryptocurrency. Every body whom I met and is related to cryptocurrency only “trade’s”, it is just a tool of speculation and gambling. My countrie’s govt doesn’t consider it a legal tender thus even local woke businesses don’t sell their product/service for it.

I sync my journal.txt, ToDo.txt, ebooks, alot of notes. So mostly just light text documents.

Also, it is an easy way for me to share anything between PC-android

Yup it’s all been done to kiss USA 's ass. I am Not a fan China-HongKong scene but this is no different.

Libre software enthusiasts of india on matrix
Hey all fellow lemmurs (is it canon yet?). We want to welcome you all to our little corner of free libre open source software enthusiasts on matrix. I am sure this could be a great value exchange. Come in and say "hi from lemmy"

Yeah I had to do a double take on this. what does our beloved manga has to do with anything. dayum fb ruined one more thing by changing its name. this not fair guys we need to figure out somthing else to dis big tech.

here i am trying my normie friends to read manga and when they’ll see MANGA memes it would be so confusing.

2nd this.

  • Delta chat for a modern messaging app like feel and e2ee over email infrastructure. Basically e2ee chat over email. It uses autocrypt for e2ee

  • Use k9 mail(android) or thundebird(PC) as they also provide e2ee among all autocrypt clients.

It is cool indeed, we learned this in 2nd year of uni. It was a game to learn binary system. Never got into habit of doing this for daily use.

Fun fact for the curious: The Max you can count = (2^(Max fingers))-1