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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 20, 2021


This has been the case for at least the past couple years now.

It has become the de-facto crowdsourced insurance

I don’t know who makes minimum wage in CA, but they are already so poverty stricken they might as well just not work at all. Minimum wage hasn’t been survivable in more than a decade here.

They stopped my Canadian elderly in-laws from using my account around the beginning of last year when everyone was stuck inside for the pandemic. We hardly EVER used it, and the only reason I had it at all was because the in-laws watched it from time to time.

The second we realized they’d blocked them from using it, I went and cancelled the “premium” subscription I’d had for about 7 years.

I don’t miss it at all. We can always download anything good that they put out anyway.

This is dumb af. You realize most sites are on CDNs so this won’t do shit to them.