• 1 Post
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2021


I think where he goes wrong is that he seems to indicate that he thinks there is a solution, that will allow gigantic monolithic social media platforms with millions of billions of users to exist with no tension about moderation policies and free speech limits,

I didn’t get this impression at all.

Pronounced “New Nix”?

I honestly think I found it on Hacker News and joined out of curiosity. Stayed out of spite when people on the post had their hot takes on the politics.

I think one or two of my work inbox rules are easily in the 1minute - 5/day category. Inbox rules are super easy but incredibly effective.

I realize I forgot to put an actual announcement here but lemmy.ml is small enough that the posts I used to populate it is already getting some attention.

I hear this type of thinking all the time. “COMMERCIAL PRODUCT has made an unpopular decision now users will flock to LIBRE PRODUCT” It usually only produces a small dent in marketshare that slowly comes back to the commercial product. If one’s been with Reddit this long, almost always the annoyance of everything being different at Lemmy is greater than the annoyance with whatever decision.

On a hunch… Reddit is far more tolerant of right leaning views than this instance of Lemmy. If I recall correctly, the creators have explicitly said they’d rather have strict moderation than a wide userbase. It’s supposed to be part of the appeal.

I don’t really care why he’s doing it. This fulfills two goals for me.

  1. I stop hearing about gas prices from random dipshits who believe the 2020 gas prices had nothing to do with everyone staying home and just a virtue of who was in office.
  2. The less oil in reserves, the more pressure to do away with oil dependence which is what I want anyways