Here for a good time, not a long time.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 10, 2021


Congrats, no one will every take anything you say seriously on this platform again. I think I should start a list of communist/Chinese apologists on this platform and keep it public.

Edit: Propagandists

I kind of wish that when I respond to a comment in my inbox, that it doesn’t just disappear after I submit it. I usually want to click the context button after I respond. It’s just a little pet peeve and not really much of an issue, but I digress.

Yes, and that’s the way to do it! But you would lose all credibility in your guide if you started it by referring to the reader as a normie, I reckon.

Sigh Hate that I always have to say this, but it’s best to start by not marginalizing non-privacy focused people by calling them normies. It’s a gatekeeping attitude and it turns off anyone who was considering privacy.

Edit: Inclusivity is the fastest/most effective way to build a community

Thought this was going to be a collection of default wallpapers for various linux distributions. Kinda disappointing.

sips coffee

It’s a great day when you see a capitalistic, debt-financed, empire collapse. But a sad one when you think about all the people who this affected.

Thoughts on total upvotes?
I'm not sure if this has been asked yet, but what are your thoughts on the profile page displaying the total number of post and comment upvotes (separately)? All opinions are welcome. I just want to hear perspectives, I don't particularly advocate for either way.

Oh no I get what you’re saying. Most people have been using windows or mac operating systems since they were in grade school, so it is super natural to know how to do these things, but when I mess around with linux I quite often find myself googling simple things. Linux just does things differently. Just like windows and mac os do things differently as well.

This was actually quite fun to watch because we’ve all had to google how to do basic things here and there in Linux.


Edit: That they cancelled most of their in person events.

It also misses calls and texts “:-p”. People predominately want reliability from their phone os…

Actually a super informational list. I’m glad they made it unclassified, can only help the masses.

It’s like shooting your OS in the face with a pistol, turning to the camera, and asking why Linux is like this?

Nice article, I’ve never heard of this website, and glad that I now have.

Have you actually used one? I was reading a review and the OS is so bad that people were missing text messages quite often. They just wouldn’t get delivered.

Likely someone who automatically downvotes anything related to Apple and privacy

iPhone apps track you even if you ask them not to
Not really all that surprising, but it's not to see that it's being actively investigated. I also highly recommend Lockdown on iOS. I tried to use an archive for this article but all the services returned "access denied" prompts. > Among the apps Lockdown investigated, tapping the don’t track button made no difference at all to the total number of third-party trackers the apps reached out to. And the number of times the apps attempted to send out data to these companies declined just 13 percent.

I like to see people still working on social media sites, but you have to ask yourself, why would everyday users switch away from Facebook to do this? I’m not talking about the idealized aspects like privacy, daddy zuck = bad, etc. But on a practical level, it would require a lot of time and coverage to be a contender

Sorting comments by community
Don't know if anyone else cares about something like this, but I needed to find a reference I used in a comment a long time ago. I scrolled through several pages before I found it. I wonder if there would be interest in being able to sort comments in your profile page by community. Similar to how you can sort by other metrics now. Any thoughts? It could be a terrible idea for all I know.