
  • 4 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 20, 2021


Disagree. This article is about how the Yen is losing to the dollar.
That’s due to the current EU gas&oil blockade.

And if you’re wondering why that would prop up the dollar, it’s because the US has made Saudi Arabia an offer it couldn’t refuse and so the Saudis are forced to sell their oil in dollars. Other countries followed suit, except for Russia nowadays which is now demanding their oil be paid in their own “such blackmail” currency.

$40 billion for Ukraine war -> $4 billion for Ukraine, majority for upgrading US military “for Ukraine”.

I disagree due to it’s foreign policy.
US Republicans have no beef with Russia, while US Democrats very much so.

They already did this… two years ago?.. before, so why not again?

For all those who wish to fight in Ukraine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F4qzPbcFiA

Russia IS in europe, so I don’t see how my view is any more eurocentric than yours. Not to mention that my comment is focused on Russia. Russia is going to pull through the crisis. We’re not.

And the reason is very simple:
We’re already in a major major government debt crisis, regardless of the war in Ukraine.
Russia isn’t. All your country is going through is punishment of a group of nations that are all collapsing economically together.
And they’re punishing Russia because the US is collapsing and the rest are lapdogs.
The US is collapsing, a situation they’ve never close to experienced before and they’re doing what they’ve always done when there’s a crisis, scapegoating a group. And that group of people is YOU!
The US wants to punish all of Russia, not Putin.
They want you and your country enslaved or dead.

So I would really like to know why you, a Russian, would be against ending an 8-year war Ukraine has been fighting against those who are oppressed for being Russian speaking done by literal nazis.

Those people are fighting for getting MacDonalds back and not wanting to learn how to download extra stores for apps like UnionPay, because Apple and Google won’t be offering it anymore for them.
Meanwhile, food and energy prices are going through the roof here in the EU and the US.
And the Donbass republics are glad their 9000 deaths in order to gain independence was not in vain.

Is there any video out there that quotes Biden's "Putin" price hikes, without US conservative media commentators already getting mad over it? I just like to do it in their place.
Because the US conservative media is double delusional, as not only would they have done it themselves if they were in power, but they'd also rail against renewables as fossil prices go up and having of cheap nuclear fantasies, abandoning all sense of economic growth that used to be the staple of conservatives, growing inequality but still overall economic growth for the 10, 1 or 0.1% richest population.

The ultimate goal is to buy everything in Russia the world. Any misery to us is acceptable to them.


Expressing support for the Russians in the 2022 Ukraine war is now deemed criminal in the Czech Republic. Rumors abound that one will receive up to 3 years in prison for agreeing with the war.
## Translation Information on possible criminal law limits to freedom of expression in relation to the situation in Ukraine 26. 2. 2022 Brno, 26 February 2022 - The Supreme State Prosecutor's Office deems it necessary to inform citizens that the current situation related to the Russian Federation's attack on Ukraine may also have implications for their freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is constitutionally enshrined in Article 17 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. Everyone has the right to express his or her views in the manner he or she deems appropriate. But even freedom of expression has its limits in a democratic state governed by the rule of law. If someone publicly (including at demonstrations, in the space of the Internet or social networks) expresses approval of (accepts or supports) the Russian Federation's attacks on Ukraine or, in this context, expresses support for or praises the leaders of the Russian Federation, he or she could, under certain conditions, also face criminal liability for the crime of endorsing a crime under Section 365 of the Criminal Code, or for the crime of denying, questioning, endorsing or justifying genocide under Section 405 of the Criminal Code. The Supreme State Prosecutor's Office appeals to all persons not to resort to public speeches in these difficult times that would exceed the established constitutional and legal restrictions. JUDr. Igor Stříž Supreme State Prosecutor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srLjabo-JAU&t=548s

I thought “lethal aid” was poison.

The US is sending Ukraine 200.000 pounds of poison.