Nathan John Cooper

Student (he/him) <br><br>

Also on Mastodon and PixelFed

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 01, 2021


Regardless of the difference between declination and softening (keep in mind it’s difficult to show when people stop using a platform as most don’t delete their account), the mass advertising campaign of theirs definitely worked incredibly well

Also, I feel like it’s something people probably don’t wanna talk about, but a lot of Reddit’s appeal is in NSFW content - so a NSFW instance would also likely increase users.

I feel like I good advertising campaign could do wonders. Reddit’s userbase was beginning to decline around a year ago (if I’m remembering correctly) and so they had this massive marketing campaign with a focus on how there’s a community for everything and, then, they had a massive increase in users.

People are not happy at DDG filtering their web results as they feel they should be able to decide for themselves what is fake news and what is real.

That being said, their results are not the best. I would probably recommend MetaGer.

I know Mojeek have their own database of pages that are not taken from Google or Bing or anywhere else.

So, I assume there’s not an Electron alternative that is able to port internet desktop applications without any privacy or resource issues?

*EDIT: Conversation [here](*. <br><br> This is a relatively old story now, but I thought I would post about it, as I haven't seen anyone else do the same on this community. <br> For those that don't know, **DuckDuckGo's** CEO & founder **Gabriel Weinberg** posted the following on his Twitter: ![]( <br><br> Would love to know the community’s thoughts. Personally, I don't think this is a big deal - all search engines have to favour certain results over others... it's the intrinsic state of a search engine - although I know some people are rather upset.

Ahhh, I see; so, essentially, a combination of both resources and privacy.

I often see people talking about the fact that they like a certain open-source application, but '**it's a shame it's on Electron**'; what does this mean? Is it a privacy thing or a resource thing?

EDIT: found one - [Goodtime]( *(thanks [user](* [Forest]( is an Android and iOS app (and web addon) that lets you track the amount of time you have spent studying. I just it to track how much time I've spent studying from month-to-month and from subject-to-subject (through using tags). I don't know that there is an open-source alternative but if there is, that would be amazing. I am about to be finished with college for the summer and so will have time to potentially develop an app if there isn't already one. <br><br> **Requirements**: - timer option - countdown option - tags (for specific subjects or activities) - statistics page with weekly, monthly, and annual views **Nice Features to Have**: - study together option - number of people currently studying

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I second this; Zorin is amazing